
2 unusual facts about the Kitchen Sisters

The Kitchen Sisters

The Kitchen Sisters contributed an essay to John Biewen's book, Reality Radio along with Jay Allison, Ira Glass, Jad Abumrad and other radio producers.

Their work includes Lost & Found Sound, narrated by Francis Ford Coppola, the Sonic Memorial Project, narrated by Paul Auster, Waiting for Joe DiMaggio, WHER: The First All-Girl Radio Station in the Nations, the Hidden Kitchens series, Hidden Kitchens Texas, an hour long nationwide broadcast special narrated by Willie Nelson and Robin Wright Penn, and The Hidden World of Girls series.

Third Coast International Audio Festival

Speakers at TCIAF's annual conference have included Jay Allison, Jad Abumrad, Joe Frank, Ira Glass, Robert Krulwich, the Kitchen Sisters, and Nancy Updike.

see also