
3 unusual facts about Little Sisters of the Poor

Élisée Maclet

When war broke out in 1914, Maclet served as a medical attendant in a temporary hospital run by the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Little Sisters of the Poor

Today the Little Sisters of the Poor serve in 31 countries around the world (including homes in Turkey, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Penang, New Zealand and Philippines), continuing in their original purpose of caring for the elderly.


Today, Catholic pilgrims can visit the House of the Cross at Saint-Servan where Saint Jeanne Jugan performed her charitable works for the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Paul Gouyon

He is buried in the cemetery of the Mother House of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Saint-Pern.

Sarah Peter

The foundations of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, the Sisters of Mercy, the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cincinnati, and other institutions, owed much to her generosity.

William George McCloskey

He introduced many religious orders into the diocese: the Passionists, the Benedictines, the Fathers of the Resurrection, the Sisters of Mercy, the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Franciscan Sisters, and the Brothers of Mary.

see also


St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet (1843–1897), Spanish foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor