
unusual facts about the Virgin Mary

Slovenská Ľupča

A "plague column" (Slovak: Morový stĺp) was erected in the 18th century in thanksgiving to the Virgin Mary for ending a deadly outbreak of plague.

see also

Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori

In the field of Mariology, Alphonsus Liguori wrote The Glories of Mary, Marian Devotion, Prayers to the Divine Mother, Spiritual Songs,The True Spouse of Jesus Christ, Visitations to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Virgin Mary, and other writings.

Antonio Valeriano

The question of Valeriano's authorship of the Nahuatl text known as Nican Mopohua has become a point of contention in the long-running dispute over the historicity of the tradition that the Virgin Mary (under the title Our Lady of Guadalupe) appeared to Juan Diego in 1531.

Bernardo Vittone

He points out that Vittone attempted to mathematically prove the correct classic proportions of buildings, and that he used the recent discoveries of light by Newton to address questions of architecture; and yet, he ends with a dedication to God and the Virgin Mary.

Blessed Art Thou

It depicts actress Angelina Jolie as the Virgin Mary, hovering in the clouds with her children above a Wal-Mart store.

Brutus Babington

Philip O'Sullivan Beare tells the story that his death was ascribed to a divine punishment for his sacrilege in attempting to burn a statue of the Virgin Mary, which, however, remained unconsumed, while the perpetrators of the outrage were either struck dead on the spot, or, like the bishop himself, died a lingering death.

Busto Arsizio

Even its feudalization in later centuries under several lords, vassals of the masters of Milan, did not stop its slow but constant growth; nor did the plague, which hit hard in 1630, traditionally being stopped by the Virgin Mary after the bustocchi, always a pious Catholic flock, prayed for respite from the deadly epidemic.

Cobweb painting

Chester Cathedral possesses a cobweb image of the Virgin Mary, painted on the net of a caterpillar species Hyponomeuta Envoymella L. It is probably by Johan Burgman (d.1825) from the Tyrol and it is a copy of the original image as painted by Lucas Cranach I (1472-1553).

Cymer Abbey

It was founded in 1158-9 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary under the patronage of Maredudd ap Cynan ab Owain Gwynedd (d. 1212), Lord of Merioneth and grandson of Owain Gwyned and his brother, Gruffudd ap Cynan, prince of N. Wales (d. 1200).

Deir el-Muharraq

The Deir el-Muharraq (Arabic: الدير المحرق, ad-Deir al-Muḥarraq, "the burnt monastery") or Monastery of the Virgin Mary in Asyut, Egypt, is a Coptic monastery near El-Qusiya.

Holy Rosary Cathedral

Holy Rosary Cathedral, Semarang (Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary), a Roman Catholic church in Semarang

Kawit, Cavite

An original Kawit tradition that takes place every Christmas Eve, a dramatic retelling of the Virgin Mary and Joseph's search in bethlehem for a place to stay called "Panunuluyan".

Knock, County Mayo

Pope John Paul II, a supporter of devotion to the Virgin Mary, visited Knock in 1979 to commemorate the centenary of the apparition.


Formerly consecrated to the Virgin Mary, it is now dedicated to Saint Sernin.

Lady Writer

Because the song says the writer is "talking about the Virgin Mary", some have speculated that the writer in question is Marina Warner, a view shared by Warner herself.


The church also hold magnificent medieval Byzantine art full of beautiful icons of Mary, the burial of the Virgin Mary, the crucifixion, and many saints and martyrs.


The name is derived from those of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne.

Mariazell Basilica

This chapel sits on the site of the first "cell" and holds a Late Romanesque miraculous image of the Virgin Mary - the "Magna Mater Austria" - a 48 cm tall statuette made of linden.

Mayo, Quebec

In County Mayo, Ireland there is a town called Knock where, in 1879, there were reports of an apparition of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and St. John.

Münsterschwarzach Abbey

The abbey, dedicated to the Holy Saviour, the Virgin Mary and Saint Felicity, was founded before 788 as a nunnery.

Our Lady of Bethlehem

In the catacombs of Priscilla, Rome, a pictorial representation of the Virgin Mary made in the 2nd century stands out.


In the center of the altarpiece is an image of the Immaculate Conception, surrounded by images of the saints associated with the life of the Virgin Mary as well as Franciscan friars such as Anthony of Padua, Diego de Acala Obispo, Francis of Assisi and Bernardino of Siena and others such as Saint Dominic and Augustine of Hippo.

Primer of Claude of France

Its 14 pages include contain the text of the Book of Hours shortened and simplified as an elementary reading book or primer, along with 2 two full-page miniature paintings (the first showing Claude kneeling before her patron saint Claudius of Besançon, with saint Anne and the Virgin Mary in the right background, and the second showing St Claudius presenting Claude to Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary) and 37 smaller miniatures.

Roman Catholic Marian movements and societies

The Mariological Society of America (MSA) is a theological society dedicated to the study of the Virgin Mary along with an interest in encouraging Marian catechetics and Marian spirituality in the Americas.

Rosary devotions and spirituality

Saint Bernadette Soubirous stated that in the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes in 1858, the Virgin Mary had a rosary with her and that Bernadette prayed the rosary in her presence.

Saint Louis Abbey

On the grounds outside the church sit life-size sculptures of Saint Benedict, by Lithuanian-born artist Wiktor Szostalo, and of the Virgin Mary, the "Holy Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, Our Lady of Grace" by American sculptor Philip Howie.


According to his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the pontif's personal motto "Totus Tuus" was inspired by St. Louis' doctrine on total consecration to the Virgin Mary.

Sanctuary of Macereto

The 'original' home of the Virgin Mary was transported first from Galilee to Dalmatia and then, in 1294 across to the bandit-infested laurel grove above Porto Recanati, hence the name 'Loreto'.

St. Andreas, Düsseldorf

Paintings by Ernst Deger can be found in the church's two side altars which are dedicated to the Virgin Mary.


The Tatamailau is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the subject of an annual pilgrimage commemorating the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on or around March 25.

Tatiana Maslany

In 2010, Maslany appeared as the protagonist the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the British four part television series The Nativity opposite Andrew Buchan which received excellent ratings.

Tomb of the Virgin Mary

A narrative known as the Euthymiaca Historia (written probably by Cyril of Scythopolis in the 5th century) relates how the Emperor Marcian and his wife, Pulcheria, requested the relics of the Virgin Mary from Juvenal, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, while he was attending the Council of Chalcedon (451).

Twyford, Hampshire

In Thomas Moule's English Counties 1837 edition, Twyford is referred to as: "on the river Itchin sic, 3 miles S. from the City of Winchester, contains 169 houses and 1048 inhabitants. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary,is a vicarage, value £12 12s. 8d., in the patronage of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In the chancel is a mural monument, with a bust, by Joseph Nollekens, in memory of Dr. Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of St. Asaph, who died in the year 1788."

Ubi Primum

Ubi Primum (Pius IX, 1849) is an encyclical of Pope Pius IX to the bishops of the Catholic Church asking them for opinion on the definition of a dogma on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

Veronica Lueken

Lueken reported her first Marian vision in her home on April 7, 1970, when the Virgin Mary informed Lueken that she would appear on the grounds of St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church in Bayside on June 18, 1970, and subsequently, on all great feast days of the Catholic Church.

Visions of Jesus and Mary

The visions of the Virgin Mary appearing to three shepherd children at Fátima, Portugal, in 1917 were declared "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church in 1930 but Catholics at large are not formally required to believe them.