
unusual facts about thesaurus

Robert L. Chapman

Chapman is arguably best remembered for editing the fourth and fifth editions of Roget's Thesaurus, published by Harper Collins in 1977 and 1992.


On July 4, 2008, InterActiveCorperation announced the acquisition of Lexico Publishing Group, which owns Dictionary.com, Thesaurus.com, and Reference.com.

Didot family

Their greatest work was a new edition of the "Thesaurus Graecae Linguae", of Henry Stephens, edited by Jean François Boissonade de Fontarabie, Dindorf, and Hase (9 vols., 1855–59).

DISCO – European Dictionary of Skills and Competences

Instead it functions as a thesaurus of skills and competences which is based on existing international standards and classifications and thus represents a terminological basis for the description of skills and competences, occupations as well as personal skill profiles and CVs, job vacancies, and job requirements or for describing curricula, courses, Diploma and Certificate Supplements or learning outcomes in general.

Étienne Marc Quatremère

His manuscript material for Syriac was utilized in Robert Payne Smith's Thesaurus; of the slips he collected for a projected Arabic, Persian and Turkish lexicon some account is given in the preface to Dozy, Supplément aux dictionaires arabes.

Joachim Latacz

From 1960–1966 was a research associate at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae under Bruno Snell and Hartmut Erbse at the University of Hamburg.

Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider

Of his numerous works the most important was his Kritisches griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (1797—1798), the first independent work of the kind since Stephanus's Thesaurus, and the basis of F. Passow's and all succeeding Greek lexicons (including, therefore, the contemporary standard A Greek-English Lexicon).

Johann Jakob Schudt

Schudt also contributed to Ugolini's "Thesaurus" (vol. xxxii.) a dissertation on the singers of the Temple.

Johannes Buxtorf II

All these first appeared singly, and then either as "Dissertaciones Philologo-Theologicæ" (Basel, 1662), or in Ugolino's "Thesaurus" (xxv.); while several others, such as "De Lepra Vestimentorum et Ædium," "De Poesi Veteri Hebraica in Libris Sacris Usitata," "De Principio Anni," etc., were appended to the translation of the "Cuzari."


COSTART - Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms

Representing NYC

Nine 11 Thesaurus, originally Nine 11 GZG, began as a loose collection of MCs meeting at The Beacon center for Arts and Leadership's Teen Action Program, but has now congealed in an 8 strong rap team and are presently preparing for the release of their first record which is being pushed out into the world by seminal New York underground record label The Social Registry.

Rick Bayan

While working as chief copywriter at Barron's Educational Series from 1978 to 1985, Bayan authored Words That Sell (1984, revised 2006), an advertising and marketing thesaurus that became a standard reference work in its field.

Roget Rocks

It is named after Peter Mark Roget (1779–1869), British physician, natural theologian and lexicographer, best known as author of Thesaurus of English words and phrases (London, 1852), a work frequently consulted in connection with Antarctic place-name proposals.

Sir Richard Ellys, 3rd Baronet

Throughout his life he corresponded with continental scholars, by whom he was much esteemed, as evidenced by Gronovius's dedication to Ellys of his edition of Ælian's Varia Historia, and the Wetsteins' edition of Johann Caspar Suicer's Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, to which he had contributed the use of a manuscript.

Te lucis ante terminum

Merati, in his notes on Galvanus's Thesaurus, says that it has always held without variation, this place in the Roman Church.

Thank U

On French & Saunders, Jennifer Saunders parodied Morissette with a song called "Bless U", a tribute to thesaurus, dictionaries, spell check and other word referencing methods.

Zeno map

"'Estotiland' is listed, along with Eden and Arcadia, under the heading 'utopia, paradise, heaven, heaven on earth' in Roget's International Thesaurus (New York: Crowell, 1962)"; it is one of the sources for "'Russian' Estoty" in Vladimir Nabokov's Ada.

see also