
unusual facts about tipi

Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia

In 2007 Tipi Autagavaia and another reporter told by Maposua Rudolf Keil, the owner of Samoa Radio Polynesia to stop attending SDUP’s news conferences.

Frank Fools Crow

After the murder of Frank Clearwater at Wounded Knee, and because the U.S. government wouldn’t allow his body to be buried there, his wife agreed to bury him on Leonard Crow Dog’s property on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, and had the wake at Fools Crow’s house, where the body was placed in a tipi and covered with a blanket for mourners to come to pay their respect.

The Dakotas

The name "Dakota" comes from the Tipi Sapa, a Native American clan that is a branch of the Sioux nation.

see also