
5 unusual facts about Frank Fools Crow

Frank Crow

Frank Fools Crow (died 1989), Oglala Lakota spiritual leader, Yuwipi medicine man, and the nephew of Black Elk

Frank Fools Crow

Hank Adams, the personal representative of the President, arrived with an agreement to the proposal that the chiefs had sent to the White House on May 3.

After the murder of Frank Clearwater at Wounded Knee, and because the U.S. government wouldn’t allow his body to be buried there, his wife agreed to bury him on Leonard Crow Dog’s property on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, and had the wake at Fools Crow’s house, where the body was placed in a tipi and covered with a blanket for mourners to come to pay their respect.

Screenwriter John Fusco was an adopted "hunka" relative of Fools Crow and based the character Grandpa Sam Reaches on his film Thunderheart.

Hank Adams

He was the intermediary between the head of the Lakota Occupation, Frank Fools Crow and the White House.

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