
unusual facts about torpedoes


Aérospatiale Alouette III

One SA316B was on board the ARA General Belgrano when she was sunk by the HMS Conqueror's torpedoes during the Falklands War with Great Britain in 1982 and a second one played an important role during the Invasion of South Georgia.

Battle of Blackett Strait

In what National Geographic called a "poorly planned and badly coordinated" attack, 15 boats with 60 available torpedoes went into action.

Brean Down Fort

Some of the better known weapons trialled were the seaborne Bouncing bomb designed specifically to bounce to a target such as across water to avoid torpedo nets, Anti-submarine missile AMUCK and the expendable acoustic emitter (designed to confuse noise seeking torpedoes).

Chang Bogo-class submarine

In early 2012, the Korean defense firm LIG Nex1 exhibited its latest suite of indigenously developed submarine sensors, submarine combat systems, and heavy-weight torpedoes and wire-guided torpedoes in Indonesia for potential use by the Indonesian navy's submarine forces.

Claude Congreve Dobson

CMB 31BD, a 55 ft boat, from which he directed the general operations then passed in under heavy machine-gun fire and hit the battleship Andrei Pervozvanny with both torpedoes, subsequently returning through heavy fire to the open sea.

Dauphin Island, Alabama

The phrase, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," was spoken by U. S. Admiral David Farragut just a few hundred yards from Dauphin Island's shore.

Edouard Izac

On May 31, 1918, his ship, President Lincoln was struck by three torpedoes from the German submarine U–90.

Fieseler Fi 103R Reichenberg

Otto Skorzeny, who had been investigating the possibility of using manned torpedoes against Allied shipping, was briefed by Hitler to revive the project, and he contacted famous test pilot Hanna Reitsch.

Formidable-class frigate

The frigates are also equipped with the EDO Corporation active low frequency towed sonar to enable long range submarine detection and classification, as well as EuroTorp A244/S Mod 3 lightweight torpedoes fired from two B515 triple-tube launchers hidden behind the bulwark.

German auxiliary cruiser Komet

Sub-Lieutenant Robert Drayson, commanding MTB 236, fired two torpedoes at Komet at close range, setting her alight.

Horst Weber

She later took part in the capture of the island of Leros (Dodecanese Islands, Aegean Sea) in the autumn of 1943 and was finally sunk on 10 January 1944 by allied bombing (one of her torpedoes exploded) at Korcŭla (Croatia) on the Adriatic Sea.

Irena Bobowska

In summer 1939 she signed up to the Polish Navy to become one of the “live torpedoes” - an unrealised project intended to create human-piloted torpedoes s to be used against Nazi Germany's navy.

Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni

This left her an easy target for the torpedoes of the British destroyers HMS Ilex and Hyperion.

John C. Waldron

Without fighter escort, his attack bombers vulnerably underpowered and lacking in defensive armament, and forced by the unreliability of their own torpedoes to fly low and slow directly at their targets, all of the Hornet's torpedo planes soon fell to the undivided attention of the enemy's combat air patrol of Mitsubishi "Zero" fighters.

Jürgen Oesten

U-861 left Soerabaya, Dutch East Indies, in January 1945 carrying a cargo of vital materials, but only two torpedoes, and reached Trondheim, Norway, in April, just before the German surrender.

Knox-class frigate

The anti-submarine capability of the Chi Yang class FFG is provided by its SQS-26 bow-mounted sonar, SQS-35(v) VDS, SQR-18(v)1 passive TAS, MD500 ASW helicopter, Mk-16 8-cell Harpoon/ASROC box launcher, and 4 x Mk46 324 mm torpedoes.

Mark Allen Baker

From coded messages and invisible ink, to early submarines with the first exploding torpedoes, the book incorporates chapters on: Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, Edward Bancroft, David Bushnell, Enoch Crosby, Silas Deane, Nathan Hale, Thomas Knowlton, Ezra Lee and even The Culper Ring.

Max Manus

In Norway he resumed his organizational work and made various sabotage attempts on ships in the Oslofjord with home-designed limpet mines and even ‘swimmer-assisted torpedoes’.

Motor Torpedo Boat PT-41

With no more torpedoes available for PT-41 to use, it was commandeered by the United States Army to patrol Lake Lanao, Mindanao.

Naval Undersea Museum

Exhibit themes include the environment of the ocean, torpedoes, naval mine warfare, the technology of submarines, and diving equipment.

Raizō Tanaka

On 12 December 1942 on another "Tokyo Express" run, Tanaka′s destroyer was hit and sunk by torpedoes fired from a U.S. Navy PT boat near Guadalcanal and Tanaka was wounded.

Sentarō Ōmori

He was director of the Special Attack Division from 13 September 1944–10 August 1945, supervising work with the Kaiten human-guided torpedoes.

Siluri umani

Siluri umani (internationally released as Human Torpedoes) is a 1954 Italian war film directed by Antonio Leonviola with the advisory of the former Admiral Marc-Antonio Bragadin.

Sopwith Cuckoo

Training took place in the Firth of Forth, where Cuckoos launched practice torpedoes at targets towed by destroyers.

Soviet submarine Shch-215

On 20 June 1942, south of the mouth of the Sulina branch of the Danube Delta, Shch-215 attacked the German minesweepers FR 1 and FR 11 with two torpedoes at the vessels, both of which missed.

Spar torpedo

Spar torpedoes were also massively used by the Russian forces under vice-admiral Stepan Makarov during the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878.

Star Tours

Rex uses the Starspeeder's lasers to eliminate several TIE fighters while a rebel pilot destroys the Death Star in the same manner as Luke Skywalker by firing two proton torpedoes into the exhaust port.

Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy

Helmsman Hikaru Sulu fires a barrage of four torpedoes at what appears to be a false image of the Romulan vessel.

Torpedo net

The sinking by torpedo of three Allied battleships during the 1915 Dardanelles Campaign, all with torpedo nets deployed, demonstrated that the increased speed of newer torpedoes and the tactic of firing several torpedoes at the same location on the target had made the torpedo net ineffective.


Torpex was used only in critical applications, e.g. torpedoes and the Upkeep, Tallboy and Grand Slam bombs.

Wolf pack Pfadfinder

At 00:18 hours on 27 May the unescorted 6,269 ton Dutch merchantman Polyphemus, en route from Halifax to Liverpool, was hit by two torpedoes from U-578 about 340 miles north of Bermuda and sank within 45 minutes, with the loss of 15 of the crew.


The destruction of Y-wings tasked with destroying the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope leads to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) firing the proton torpedoes that destroy the Empire's battle station.

Yu-3 torpedo

By 1969, the 750 metre deep deepwater torpedo testing range was established with the help of over 80 enterprises and named as 750 Testing Range (750试验场) in Kunming, after the greatest simulated depth of the range, and a total of 4 sample torpedoes were produced.

Yu-7 torpedo

The first two prototype torpedoes were assembled in No. 874 Factory in December 1984 and were tested in the 750 Testing Range (750试验场) in Kunming in December 1985.

see also