
unusual facts about trade route


Renowned as a transit point for the roman trade route on land between the Mediterranean Sea (Pelousion) and the Red Sea, the Port city of Suez today traces back to this village that was existed around 3rd BC.

Soviet Orientalist studies in Islam

Due to the disunion of the Arab tribes, trade caravans were constantly running the risk of being raided by nomads.

see also

Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia

The Silk Road Project and its performance unit, the Silk Road Ensemble, was established by Yo-Yo Ma in 1998 to explore the rich cultural traditions of the Silk Road - the historic trade route that connected the peoples and traditions of Asia with those of Europe.


Located in the Jijiga Zone of the Somali Region, near the Somali border on the main trade route between Jijiga and the sea.


The village of 349 residents (in 2010) is located in the Gartetal {valley} on the old trade route between Göttingen and Duderstadt, lying some eight kilometers south-west of the former city.


One of the earliest references of Bhokardan is found in Markandeya Purana, where it is described as a prosperous trading city in Dandakaranya area, located on the trade route from Ujjayini, in central India to Prathishthana, then capital city of Satavahanas.

Bnot Ya'akov Bridge

Jacob's Ford was a key river crossing point and major trade route between Acre and Damascus.

Boat Encampment

Boat Encampment was an important waystation during the twice-annual HBC "Express" overland trade route between Fort Vancouver and York Factory on Hudson Bay then via ship to London.

Bundesstraße 1

A trade and military road was already mentioned in Ptolemy's Geography about 150 AD, parts of it formed the medieval Westphalian Hellweg trade route, vital for the transport of salt and crops, and the course of the Via Regia, the Ottonian "royal road" trough the Holy Roman Empire from Aachen to Magdeburg.

Camino de los chilenos

The use of this trade route effectivelly ended with the Conquest of the Desert (1876-1878) carried out by the Argentine Army.

Continental divide

This divide was a barrier to transportation until the Methye Portage was discovered in 1778, which opened up the Arctic rivers to the fur traders and became part of a transcontinental trade route from Atlantic to Pacific.

Coutts, Alberta

It connects Highway 4 to Interstate 15, an important trade route (CANAMEX Corridor) between Alberta, American states along I-15, and Mexico.

Des Lacs River

Ethnographic accounts indicate that the Assiniboine, Sioux, Mandan, Hidatsa, Plains Ojibwa, and Atsina peoples all made use of the region for hunting or trade route purposes, though few archaeological sites have been formally identified.

Frisian Way

South of Heede another road from Winschoten to the trade route of the Hümmling crossed the Frisian Way.

Frýdštejn Castle

The castle dominates the nearby Jizera river valley and the old trade route from Turnov to the north.


Additionally, it was on the most important trade route between Chur-Sargans-Lake Constance and was the starting point of the pilgrimage routes to Einsiedeln and Rankweil.

Ganesh Lal Shrestha

Bhimphedi, located 35 km to the southwest of the Nepalese capital Kathmandu, is a market town on the old trade route linking India and Tibet.

Great Minquas Path

Great Minquas Path (or The Great Trail) was a 17th-century trade route that ran through southeastern Pennsylvania from the Susquehanna River, near Conestoga, to the Schuylkill River, opposite Philadelphia.

Great West Road, Zambia

The long term intention is to then continue the highway into Angola and to connect with its road network as a new trade route for Zambia to Atlantic Ocean ports.

Hanle Monastery

Hanle Monastery or Hanle or Analy Gompa is a 17th century Buddhist monastery of the "Red Hat" Tibetan Drukpa Kagyu branch of Tibetan Buddhism, located in the Hanle Valley, Leh District, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir in northern India on an old branch of the ancient Ladakh - Tibet trade route.


The Hiri trade cycle, a traditional trade route in South East coastal New Guinea, before European contact


had been associated with a comment by Isidore of Charax, that refers to a "temple of Artemis" (Parthian Stations 6) at "Concobar" in Lower Medea, on the overland trade route between the Levant and India.

Katchal Island

Nicobar Islands have experienced all kinds of external influences for centuries, because they are located along an ancient international sea trade route and have been known to voyagers and scholars since ancient times.

Kongsvinger Fortress

This important pilgrimage & trade route is mentioned by Adam of Bremen in 1070.


First mentioned in 1248 the settlement arose around a fortress in the Bohemian crown land of Upper Lusatia where the Via Regia trade route crossed the border with the Margraviate of Meissen.


Linguist Michael E. Krauss has recently presented archaeological, historical, and linguistic evidence that Wrangel Island was a way station on a trade route linking the Inuit settlement at Point Hope, Alaska with the north Siberian coast, and that the coast may have been colonized in late prehistoric and early historic times by Inuit settlers from North America.

Likir Monastery

Although Likir now seems rather out of the way, it used to be on a major trade route which travelled via Tingmosgang, Hemis and Likir to Leh.

Matthew 4:13

The town was prosperous due to its location on the large lake and also its position on the Via Maris, the Damascus to Egypt trade route.

Mei Pass

In 716, the Chancellor Zhang Jiuling constructed a five metre wide road through the pass as part of the trade route along the Gan River.

MV Mamutu

She operated on the Inter-Island trade route for Burns Philp & Company, and at the outbreak of World War II, she was engaged in the evacuation of civilians ahead of advancing Japanese Forces.


Sarai Narela was important sarai (caravan rest house) on the historic and ever busy Grand Trunk Road, that stretched all the way to Lahore and Kabul and the lifeline of the empire and important trade route.

Neahkahnie Mountain

Ships using the Manila galleon trade route usually made landfall on the southern California coast, but it is possible some made landfall as far north as Oregon.

Netherlands-South African Railway Company

By building a railway eastwards into Portuguese Mozambique the settlers would have a trade route that did not run through British territory.

Neustadt bei Coburg

Neustadt lay on a major trade route between Nürnberg and Leipzig, and in the 14th century, the city received a parish church.

Nikolaus Federmann

However, he did not achieve his goal to open a new trade route to Asia.


Bassein and Moulmein must also have attracted some Panthay settlement, the latter port being a terminus of the overland caravan trade from Yunnan in its own right, via the northern Thai trade route through Kengtung, Chiang Mai and Mae Sariang.


The Dukes of Lorraine controlled the transit of salt and wheat towards the mountains, and imposed a 'protection levy' on the 'Saulniers Way', a well frequented trade route across the mountains towards Sélestat and Saales.

Rappbode Auxiliary Dam

On the most important lakeside rocks, where today the reservoir and, formerly, the Rappbode river makes a small bend, there was once a castle, the Trageburg, which, like the Susenburg not far away, was used to guard an old long-distance trade route.

Rheider Au

In the Viking period the route Eider - Treene - Rheider Au - Schlei served as a navigation way and/or transport or trade route between places to the north and the Baltic Sea, as commercial centres functioned (see Dorestad, Haithabu).

San Salvador de Jujuy

The settlement initially developed as a strategic site on the mule trade route between San Miguel de Tucumán and the silver mines in Potosí, Bolivia.

Shurdhah Island

The town was strategically located on the old road from Shkodër to Gjakova and served as a resting point along the trade route.

Simone Martini

Simone's art owes much to French manuscript illumination and ivory carving: examples of such art were brought to Siena in the fourteenth century by means of the Via Francigena, a main pilgrimage and trade route from Northern Europe to Rome.

Trans-Caprivi highway

An example of the function of the corridor as a trade route is that trucks carry copper ore concentrate from the Dikulushi Mine in South-East DR Congo across Zambia and down the Trans-Caprivi highway to the copper smelter at Tsumeb in Namibia.


Prior to becoming part of the Nakasendō, it was the tenth of eleven stations along the Kisoji, a minor trade route running through the Kiso Valley.


Unyamwezi lay at a juncture where a trade route from the coast split, with one branch going west to the port of Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika while another branch led north to the kingdoms of Buganda and Bunyoro.

William Henry Bay

After Alaska was purchased by the US Government in 1867, the first effort to identify the timber trade route from Lynn Canal to Haines via William Henry Bay was made in 1869 by Navy Commander Richard Worsam Meade.

Wurzen Pass

The Wurzenpass has been a historic crossing of the Karawanken, though the main trade route from the Duchy of Carinthia to Trieste, the Austrian Littoral and Carniola ran from Tarvisio along the Predil Pass and the high valley of Rateče that was much easier to traverse.