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Two street-stock cars (both with AMC 5.0 L V8 and four-speed transmission) were supplied to "Team Highball" for Group One race modifications less than three weeks before a transport ship would sail to Europe.
A detachment of the regiment served under Charles Grey in the defence of Plymouth when their transport ship was blown across the Atlantic after encountering foul weather while sailing down the North American coastline.
USAT Thomas was a United States Army transport ship, launched as the SS Persia in 1894, having been built for the Hamburg America Line's service to New York.
Having achieved their initial objective, the North Vietnamese naval command sent out the transport ship T641, to carry all the captured South Vietnamese soldiers back to Da Nang.
Halli (899) is a modified, enlarged Hylje-design, and acts as a combined pollution cleanup and vehicle transport ship.
Aiyo Maru was a 2,746 ton transport ship of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II.
Kembu Maru was a 953 ton transport ship of Imperial Japanese Army during World War II.
MV Sovetskaya Latviya (Soviet Latvia), a transport ship operated by the Soviet industrial concern Dalstroy, a part of the NKVD's forced labour system.
By the time the team arrives at the other compound, only four people remain: Ty, Asta, one of the terrorists and a woman from the original transport ship named Janessa (Aja Evans).
A Surgeon-Superintendent was a position, held by a surgeon officer of the Royal Navy, on board convict transport ship and ships transporting indentured labour, with overall authority in all non-nautical matters.
Vekha was a military transport ship of the Black Sea Fleet that briefly joined the Potemkin mutiny.