Mid-tribulation view holds that the rapture occurs halfway through; Prewrath holds that the rapture occurs some time in the midst of the tribulation in the latter 3.5 years, but before God's wrath is poured out upon the nations.
Prewrath/Mid-tribulation View: The rapture of the church occurs in the midst of the seven-year period.
He continued to work in pastoral ministry, speak at conferences, write a weekly column for The Sacramento Union newspaper, was counsel for The Fieldstead Co. at an economic conference in Switzerland and wrote his last two books, The Great Tribulation and Power in the Blood.
She published romantic stories like The Tribulation of Mr. Pyo (표 선생 수난기) and Young Zelkova Tree (젊은 느티나무), which depict illicit love stories that were very extreme at that time.
# The Antichrist's rule begins the great tribulation, a worldwide distress unequaled to any across history (Matthew 24:21).
Rapture Ready's stated purposes include warning those non-Christians who, according to the Pre-tribulation system of Evangelical Christian eschatology, will be left behind after the rapture to repent of their sins and turn to God.