
3 unusual facts about trilobite

Causey Pike

The scree slopes around the summit have yielded some fossils: Trilobites, Trace fossils and Graptolites are found on rare occasions.

Millard County, Utah

Trilobite fossils are relatively common in the region west of Delta (part of the Wheeler Shale of Middle Cambrian age).

Willow River State Park

Trilobite fossils found in the lower layers of the gorge indicate the rock is around 600 million years old.


It was then known as the "Barr trilobite" referring to the plentiful occurrence of B. barriensis in the limestone formations of Great Barr, Staffordshire.

Calymene blumenbachi

Calymene blumenbachii, sometimes spelled - erroneously - blumenbachi, is a species of trilobite discovered in the limestone quarries of Wren's Nest Hill in Dudley, England.


The Dresbachian is defined by four trilobite zones: Cedaria-, Crepicephalus-, Aphelaspis- and Dunderbergia trilobite zones.

Jeffersonville Limestone

Trilobites: Proetus canaliculatus, P. crassimarginatus, P. microgemma (see Proetidae), Dalmanites anchiops var.


Kleptothule rasmusseni was a small, elongated trilobite, about 3 cm in length, and about 5 to 6 mm in width, from the Sirius Passet Lagerstätte.


Phalagnostus nudus, the type species, was originally described as a species of Battus by Beyrich in 1845, but that name had already been used for a butterfly, and the trilobite genus was also deemed polyphyletic.

Ronald Pearson Tripp

Born in England in 1914, Tripp was self-taught in paleontology, but became an authority on the taxonomy of the trilobite families Encrinuridae, Lichidae, and Lichakephalidae – the latter of which he named.


This little village became famous when French geologist Joachim Barrande discovered rich fossil deposits of Silurian fauna (namely trilobites) in the close surroundings of this village, when he was surveying the terrain for a horse-pulled railroad in 1840–1850.

see also