
unusual facts about trolls


Characters of Warcraft

Vol'jin (voiced by Chris Metzen in World of Warcraft and its first three expansions, then by Dave Fennoy in Mists of Pandaria) is the Warchief of the Horde following the downfall of Garrosh Hellscream at the end of Mists of Pandaria, and is the leader of the Darkspear trolls.

Collaborative blog

Open Invite collaborative blogs succeed on the basis that the community acts to weed out trolls, spammers and other troublemakers.

Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos

The player must avoid pitfalls, spiked floors, and monsters (such as slimes and trolls).

The Gnomes' Great Adventure

The film was based on The World of David the Gnome, it follows the life and adventures of the gnomes as they struggle to outwit enemy trolls.

The Trolls

The Trolls are an American musical group, the members of which consist of Javier Franco, Iggy Pop, Whitey Kirst, Pete Marshall, and Alex Kirst.

Troll Fell

The story is influenced by legends and folktales about trolls and nisses collected in Thomas Keightley’s ‘Fairy Mythology’, 1850, and William Craigie’s ‘Scandinavian Folklore’, 1896, as well as by Hans Christian Andersen’s story ‘The Elf Hill’, a satirical description of a troll wedding.


The name ('the home of the trolls') was proposed by Håkon Løken and used by Trondhjems Turistforening in the 1880s, and is considered a "tourist name" (there was no single name for the entire area before).

see also