
4 unusual facts about Characters of Warcraft

Characters of Warcraft

Arthas Menethil (voiced by Justin Gross in Warcraft III and Patrick Seitz in World of Warcraft) was the prince of Lordaeron and son of Terenas Menethil before he was corrupted and joined the undead Scourge, at which point he killed his father and unleashed the undead upon his homeland.

When the scourge invaded Quel'thalas during the events of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Sylvanas valiantly defended her homeland, delaying the scourge while the high elves attempted to create a defense.

Vol'jin (voiced by Chris Metzen in World of Warcraft and its first three expansions, then by Dave Fennoy in Mists of Pandaria) is the Warchief of the Horde following the downfall of Garrosh Hellscream at the end of Mists of Pandaria, and is the leader of the Darkspear trolls.

Following Sylvanas' fall during the scourge invasion, Lor'themar stepped up temporarily as Ranger-General.

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