Anemone tuberosa (desert anemone or tuber anemone) is a herbaceous plant species in the genus Anemone and family Ranunculaceae.
Curcuma australasica (Native Ginger) - an attractive leafy annual that grows from a tuber.
During the wet season, these are supplemented with herbs such as dayflowers and Indigofera, while in the dry season, the oryx instead eat the tubers and stems of Pyrenacantha malvifolia and other succulent plants that help to provide the animals with water.
The Earl of Derby presented Kew Gardens with a "rounded uncouth-looking tuber" in 1844, having acquired it from the Eastern Cape, and all were completely unprepared for the beauty of its flowers that appeared in July of 1845.
In the middle of the fruit, you may find a carinate tuber which makes it look like the Japanese Ultraman.
Before becoming used industrially, the tuber was used by Chinantec healers in northern Oaxaca as an abortifacient and in cures for aching joints.
The Pavlovsk station itself fell into German hands during the Siege of Leningrad in 1941-1944, but prior to the arrival of German troops, scientists from the Institute of Plant Industry were able to move much of the station's tuber collection to a location within the city.
In French cuisine, its cooked tuber is often served alongside dishes named japonaise or Japanese-styled.
Thladiantha dubia, the goldencreeper, Manchu tuber-gourd, wild potato, thladianthe douteuse, a fieldweed and a rarely used ornamental plant species
Psoralea esculenta, native to prairies of central North America, with an edible tuber
Although it may eat bulbs, tubers, seeds, insects, and resin of the hakea plant, the bulk of its nutrients are derived from underground fungi which it digs out with its strong foreclaws.