
2 unusual facts about typecasting


Type conversion in computer programming, the act or result of changing an entity of one data type into another

Casting of sorts (movable type pieces) for use in printing presses

Betty Balfour

Her 1925 role as a wealthy heriess in Somebody's Darling was an attempt to break out of her previous role as Squibs, to avoid typecasting.

Carlo Buccirosso

He is often present in films by Carlo Vanzina in the typecast role of a man in the middle or lower middle-class.

Keith Jayne

Typecasting (often as a yokel) persuaded Keith to study for a certificate in Finance and Investment.


On TV, he was played by Joop Doderer, who became so identified with the part that the Dutch expression for the most extreme form of typecasting, where an actor is identified with just one single character, is called the Swiebertje-effect.

see also