The subject of "information economics" is treated under Journal of Economic Literature classification code JEL D8 – Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty.
Following three years of uncertainty over the future of the mine, PE Minerals signed a partnership deal with the mine owners, Iscor, at the end of 1998.
The Middle English Dictionary, with some noted uncertainty, proposes that akimbo might be related to Old French chane or kane "pot" or "jug" respectively, combined with Middle English boue, "bow".
Recent work has found relationships between Geert Hofstede’s cultural factors, Individualism, Power Distance, Masculinity, and Uncertainty Avoidance, with the average Big Five scores in a country.
This was largely by combination of factors such as the United States Subprime mortgage crisis and the political uncertainty caused by the 12th General Election.
There is some uncertainty about the dates other details in the writings of Paris, but there is little doubt that the church, together with St Stephen's and St Michael's churches, was built at about that time to receive pilgrims and to prepare them for their visit to the shrine of St Alban within St Albans Abbey.
In D. Kahneman, P. Slovic and A. Tversky (Eds.) Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases (pp. 249–267).
There has been some uncertainty whether it was named in honour of King Charles I of England, who was executed in 1649 during the English Civil War, or to his son, Charles II, who restored the English monarchy to the throne in 1660.
When the first British High Commissioner, Sir Garnet Wolseley, arrived in Cyprus in 1878, he was keen to construct a railway on the island but the project did not come to fruition for a long time, due to the uncertainty of the length of the British mandate in Cyprus.
There is some uncertainty as to whether the title was created on 29 June 1611 for Roger Dalison, Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance, or on 27 October 1624 for his son, Thomas Dalison.
This period of disagreement and uncertainty about borders was ended with the Treaty of Tartu, where Finland and the Baltic states first recognised the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as a sovereign state, and established the border between Finland and RSFSR.
The concept of entrepreneurial leadership was introduced in 2000 by McGrath and MacMillan who suggested that in dynamic markets where there is increased uncertainty and competitive pressure a new type of leader is required.
Probabilistic logic, a combination of the capacity of probability theory to handle uncertainty with the capacity of deductive logic to exploit structure
Evidential reasoning approach, in decision theory, an approach for multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) under uncertainty
Federico Mayor argued that, as observed by Ilya Prigogine, we cannot predict the future because the future will never be as before. We can prepare for it because, far from being inscribed in a book of destiny, the future is uncertainty, bifurcation, unpredictable creation. It is in our hands, because the future is freedom- for the most part, it will be exactly what we make of it. We can prepare for the future, but are we prepared for the twenty-first century.
There is uncertainty regarding the placement of Perissodactyla; a grouping with Ferae has been proposed as the clade Zooamata while a grouping with Cetartiodactyla has been proposed as the clade Euungulata ("true ungulates").
Following the death of President Saparmurat Niyazov in December 2006, there has been much speculation and uncertainty regarding the fate of Turkmenistan's natural resources.
The album calls for social change, as seen in the song "Uncertainty Blurs the Vision," quoting Rudimentary Peni at the song's conclusion.
ABC News reported that the study "highlights the superiority of acupuncture", but also introduces uncertainty about the specific mechanisms of treatment.
There was a great degree of uncertainty regarding the number of animals that survived during the Angolan civil war.
Loophole, a weakness in the law that yields an uncertainty on legislation.
David Colander, an advocate of complexity economics, argues that the ideas of heterodox economists are now being discussed in the mainstream without mention of the heterodox economists, because the tools to analyze institutions, uncertainty, and other factors have now been developed by the mainstream.
There is uncertainty as to whether intangible property includes crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.
The history of Kritosaurus took another turn in 1990, when Jack Horner and David B. Weishampel once again separated Gryposaurus, citing the uncertainty associated with the latter's partial skull.
With Michael Brennan, he edited Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition (Oxford University Press, 1999), and, with Eduardo Schwartz, Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty (MIT Press, 2001).
The first immigration to the West was during the latter half of the 19th century, political unrest, paired with economic uncertainty, in many countries of the Old World resulted in a Diaspora that brought many people to North America.
Excellence in this case is derived in part from the tradition of Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Carl von Clausewitz and Helmuth von Moltke and was based upon the premise that hard-and-fast rules had no place in the environment of war, which was the realm of human emotion, friction, chance and uncertainty.
According to Roy Mottahedeh, Ansari was celebrated for his piety and generosity and "more than that of any mullah leader of the past two centuries, his leadership celebrated his learning." Through the expansion of rational devices in Usul al-fiqh, Ansari implicitly admitted the uncertainty of much of the sacred law.
In 2010, Allen was awarded the Appleton Medal and Prize by the Institute of Physics for "his important contributions to the detection and attribution of human influence on climate and quantifying uncertainty in climate predictions".
A documentary shown in the UK on 28 September 2006 featuring journalist Brian Deer as part of Channel 4's Dispatches series exposed uncertainty about the existence of data that should mandatorily have been submitted by TeGenero to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) prior to the trial indicating whether TGN1412 had been adequately tested on human blood in vitro.
The systematic position of Platycarpha has long been regarded with uncertainty.
Even for ideal, "first-kind" projective measurements in which the particle is in the measured eigenstate immediately after the measurement, the subsequent free evolution of the particle will cause uncertainty in position to quickly grow.
A consequence of this is some uncertainty about the author, who is given in some versions as Ibn Abi Zar of Fes, and by some as Salih ibn Abd al-Halim of Granada.
SCO replied with both a press release and two letters to Red Hat on the same day; their claims are reiterated in the press release ("Linux includes source code that is a verbatim copy of UNIX and carries with it no warranty or indemnification. SCO's claims are true and we look forward to proving them in court."), and the allegations made by Red Hat are denied ("SCO has not been trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt to end users.").
Republic v. Bynum, Dallam 376 (1844), was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas which held that uncertainty in the description of the offense charged in the indictment requires that the person be discharged from custody.
Within months, the New York Times exposed White House operative Philip Cooney for editing government climate documents to increase uncertainty about the science.
Scoring rule, in decision theory, a measure of one's performance when making decisions under uncertainty
A great deal of uncertainty exists regarding the history and real cause of the fact that the doctrines of the Seleucians so closely resembled those of Hermogenes, and because Hermogenes is not mentioned by Philastrius, conclude that these two were one and the same system of belief.
In Genesis 19:16, it is used on the word "VaYitmah'maH"(and he lingered), when Lot is lingering in Sodom as it is marked for destruction, to show Lot's uncertainty.
A silent protagonist may be employed to lend a sense of mystery or uncertainty of identity to the gameplay, or to help the player identify better with them.
Southbank Sinfonia was founded by Simon Over, its Music Director, who, while conducting a young group of conservatoire students was struck by their dedication and outstanding talent, but also by the uncertainty they faced in beginning their professional careers.
They are generally divided into two groups, Kalenjin and Omotik–Datooga, although there is some uncertainty as to the internal coherence of the Kalenjin branch.
The Age of Uncertainty is a 1977 book and television series, co-produced by the BBC, CBC, KCET and OECA, and written and presented by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith.
"Regulators must extrapolate results not only from animal toxicity studies, typically from mice and/or rats to humans, but also from the very high doses usually used in animal experiments to the very low doses that are characteristic of human exposure. These two types of extrapolation are steeped in uncertainty," wrote Edward J. Calabrese, Professor of Toxicology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst' School of Public Health in Amherst, MA, USA.
He has published about one hundred articles in scientific and in business journals, as well as eight books: Predictions, Conquering Uncertainty, An S-Shaped Trail to Wall Street (treating the New York Stock Exchange as an ecosystem), PREDICTIONS: 10 Years Later, BESTSELLER DRIVEN, STREET SCIENCE, Natural Laws in the Service of the Decision Maker, and Decision-Making for a New World.
At the start of the Mars Exploration Rover missions, the positional uncertainty of Airy-0 corresponded to roughly a 20 second uncertainty in realizing AMT.
This uncertainty is related to several parameters used in the orbit determination process including the number of observations (measurements), the time spanned by those observations (data arc), the quality of the observations (e.g. radar vs optical), and the geometry of the observations.
In order to quantify the uncertainty in a perturbed orbital solution for a minor planet in a concise fashion, the Minor Planet Center (MPC) has introduced the U parameter.
The most common general form of the uncertainty principle is the Robertson uncertainty relation.
To imagine Dogma to be what Matthew Arnold took it to be, the Aberglaube, or added Belief above and beyond the Facts, would be to imprison Christianity forever within the continuum of space and time, which for Künneth, is subject to uncertainty and mortality and subjectivity.