
unusual facts about understory


Acacia argyrodendron

Associated understory plants include shrub species such as the false sandalwood (Eremophila mitchellii), yellow-wood (Terminalia oblongata) and conkerberry (Carissa spinarum), and smaller herbaceous plants such as brigalow grass (Paspalidium caespitosum), yakka grass (Sporobolus caroli), blue trumpet (Brunoniella australis) and Dipteracanthus australasicus.

Andesiana similis

Adults fly from late October to mid December in Nothofagus dombeyi forests with an understory of Chusquea culeou.

Banksia spinulosa var. collina

It is usually an understory shrub in open forests and woodlands of Eucalyptus.

Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa

It is typically an understory shrub in open forests and woodlands of Eucalyptus.

Coprosma rhamnoides

An example occurrence of this species is within the Hamilton Ecological District on North Island within a forest dominated by Nothofagus and rimu, where understory associates include Blechnum discolor and Doodia media.

Coprosma spathulata

An example occurrence of this species is within the Hamilton Ecological District on North Island within a forest dominated by nothofagus and rimu, where understory associates include Blechnum discolor and Doodia media.

Doodia aspera

In tall open forest in the Sydney region, it is an understory shrub in damp areas underneath such trees as Sydney blue gum (Eucalyptus saligna), mountain gum (E. deanei), river peppermint (E. elata) and forest red gum (E. tereticornis.

Drummond Nature Reserve

The North west corner is a Wandoo Woodland that has been affected by salinity most of the trees are either dead or affect by dieback, the understory has died and been replace by weeds.

Lactarius deceptivus

Smith has noted a preference for bogs and the edges of woodland pools in hardwood forests, and in oak stands that have an understory of blueberry bushes (Vaccinium species).

Lake Taupo

Much of the watershed of Lake Taupo is a beech and podocarp forest with associate understory ferns being Blechnum filiforme, Asplenium flaccidum, Doodia media, Hymenophyllum demissum, Microsorum pustulatum and Microsorum scandens, and some prominent associate shrubs being Olearia ranii nd Alseuosmia quercifolia.

Lake Waikaremoana

There are numerous understory species within the forested area of the catchment basin, Crown Fern, Blechnum discolor, being an example.

Luzula hitchcockii

Other understory species occurring with the rush include grouse whortleberry (Vaccinium scoparium), Sitka valerian (Valeriana sitchensis), mountain arnica (Arnica latifolia), and menziesia (Menziesia ferruginea).

Lyonia lucida

It shares the understory with other plants such as sweetbells (Eubotrys racemosa), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), sweet pepperbush (Clethera alnifolia), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), laurelleaf greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia), honeycup (Zenobia pulverulenta), and oaks (Quercus spp.).

Metrosideros polymorpha

Alien grasses such as meadow ricegrass (Ehrharta stipoides) may form an understory that prevents or inhibits natural regeneration of the forests.

New Guinea Highlands

Conifers (Podocarpus, Dacrycarpus, Dacrydium, Papuacedrus, Araucaria, and Libocedrus) and broadleaf trees of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) form a thin canopy, with a prominent understory.


The vegetation on the Ngarrabullgan tabletop (plateau) has been described as wet sclerophyll forests, mainly of a bloodwood species of Eucalyptus, with a well-developed understory.

Pomona Island

Forested areas of Fiordland National Park generally are dominated by Nothofagus and podocarp species with understory of numerous ferns and shrubs; Crown Fern, Blechnum discolor is an example of chief understory species.

Toona ciliata

It grows best in an environment with high light levels, however in the relative darkness of the rainforest understory, it is less susceptible to attack by the Cedar Tip Moth

Wisconsin glaciation

Here in the Waterman Hills researchers found that Juniperus osteosperma and Pinus monophylla were early to mid-Holocene dominant trees, while Monardella arizonica has been a continuously present understory plant.

see also