
unusual facts about unethical


Bill Pennington

Pennington is a 12-time finalist and six-time winner of the Associated Press Sports Editors national writing award, writing stories about overuse injuries in young athletes, unethical medical practices in professional sports, a profile of ski racer Lindsey Vonn and Title IX abuses.

Combatting Cult Mind Control

Irving Hexham, professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary, writes that Hassan's description of destructive cults (page 37), as "a group which violates the rights of its members and damages them through the abusive techniques of unethical mind control" is not helpful as he fails to describe how to decide if a group is a cult or not, what are "abusive techniques" and what is "mind control".

Committee on Standards in Public Life

The committee was established in October 1994 by Prime Minister John Major in response to concerns that conduct by some politicians was unethical - for example, during the cash-for-questions affair.

Cornelius Adebayo

In 2007, a Munich Court found Siemens AG guilty of misconduct and unethical contract dealings by allegedly offering bribes to Cornelius Adebayo and others to secure contracts for telecommunications equipment.

Dark Beast

He was one of a handful of characters to escape the Age of Apocalypse reality to the regular Marvel Universe, where he has continued his unethical experiments.

Drug Industry Document Archive

Lawsuits against Wyeth for the unethical promotion of the hormone replacement drug Premarin to women.

Ex post facto law

Retroactive laws designed to prosecute what was perceived to have been a blatantly unethical means of tax avoidance were passed in the early 1980s by the Fraser government (see Bottom of the harbour tax avoidance).

How I Became Stupid

As he tries to integrate himself into what he considers the uncaring and superficial crowd of society, he forces himself to obsess over his appearance by exercising at the gym, although he also eats at McDonald's and tempts himself with other capitalist merchandise made by unethical means, which loses him his four closest friends as he changes his entire lifestyle.

Lagamu Vuiyasawa

Vuiyasawa's relationship to Takiveikata became known to the public only after her appointment to the Senate, and Opposition parliamentarian Poseci Bune declared her appointment in such circumstances to be unethical, a position rejected by Prime Minister Qarase.

Maurice Henry Pappworth

Maurice Henry Pappworth (9 January 1910 – 12 October 1994) was a pioneering British medical ethicist and tutor, best known for his 1967 book Human Guinea Pigs, which exposed the unethical dimensions of medical research.

Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy

The Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy took place in 1999–2000, when the International Cooperative Biodiversity Group led by Ethnobiologist Dr. Brent Berlin was accused of being engaged in unethical forms of bioprospecting (biopiracy), by several NGOs and indigenous organizations.

Paul Moriarty

Moriarty worked as an investigative journalist at KYW-CBS-3 for 17 years protecting consumer rights and investigating unscrupulous or unethical businesses.

Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced 1980–1981

In the sketch, Eddie Murphy's character "Mister Robinson" speaks and presents the show in a similarly stilted manner, but lives in a considerably grittier venue and engages in a number of illegal and unethical activities for money due to his lack of a job, which he educates his young viewers about in each episode while at the same time teaching them cynical views on the government and life in general.

Strontium unit

(Among the sources of this outcry was a George Carlin performance, released on the CD "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics", during a passage on governmental euphemisms for dangerous or unethical activities: "The Pentagon has actually begun measuring nuclear radiation in something they call 'sunshine units'!")

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

Control tells Leamas that Smiley had not returned to the Circus after the events of Call for the Dead because of moral qualms about unethical Circus operations.

Traditional Knowledge Digital Library

the objective of the library is to protect the ancient and traditional knowledge of the country from exploitation through bio-piracy and unethical patents, by documenting it electronically and classifying it as per international patent classification systems.

see also