Cyber-utopianism as a concept was first coined by Evgeny Morozov in his book The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, this utopianism is a belief that online communication is in itself emancipatory and that the Internet favors the oppressed rather than the oppressor.
In December 2004, Orlowski was invited to a discussion panel on techno-utopianism at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
Daoism as Utopian or Accommodationist: Radical Daoism Reexamined in Light of the Guodian Manuscripts, in Laurence Davis and Ruth Kinna (eds.), Anarchism and Utopianism (University of Manchester Press, 2009)
Carneal later sold the land to William Bullock, a British showman, entrepreneur, and traveller, who directed John Papworth to design a utopian community for the site named Hygeia (Greek for "health").
During the first decade of the 20th Century Bogdanov wrote two works of utopian science fiction about socialist societies on Mars, both of which were rejected by Lenin as attempts to smuggle "Machist idealism" into the radical movement.
As law professors at Harvard and Columbia, respectively, Goldsmith and Wu assert the important role of government in maintaining Internet law and order while debunking the claims of techno-utopianism that have been espoused by theorists such as Thomas Friedman.