Initially, the franchise chose MO-hawks as their nickname to reflect a Missouri-Kansas union, an attempt to appeal to both Kansas and Missouri residents (the Kansas City metropolitan area spills across both states) and incorporating Missouri's postal abbreviation with the Kansas Jayhawker nickname, but the name was vetoed by the Chicago Black Hawks.
Luchetti tries to take advantage of this federal initiative, but encountered the opposition to this plan when the US-appointed Governor of Puerto Rico Blanton Winship vetoed the project in 1938 on the grounds that it was incompatible with the 1917 Jones-Shafroth Act.
The opposition Foreign Minister, Boniface Ngulinzira, rather than Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana, led the government delegation, and Habyarimana repeatedly vetoed the delegation's decisions.
He was President of the Technical Chamber of Greece from 1951 to 1958, when he put forward radical new projects that were vetoed by American advisers because they paralleled Hjalmar Schacht's approach to public finances.
Then baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn vetoed the contract, forfeited the Yankees draft pick and called for a special draft to be held for his rights.
Bonus Bill of 1817, U.S. proposed legislation vetoed by President Madison
In subsequent interviews, Ric Flair has stated that the NWA Title was not on line for this match; Flair stated that the "unification" was proposed, but he vetoed it.
This was the first veto of a civil rights act since Andrew Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
Britt's version was adopted and passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, but Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Francisco at the time, came under intense pressure from the Catholic Church and vetoed the bill.
In 1982, a domestic partnership law was adopted and passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, but Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Francisco at the time, came under intense pressure from the Catholic Church and subsequently vetoed the bill.
Sensing trouble, Futch vetoed (Ali-Foreman ref) Zach Clayton as referee, as well as two others suggested by Ali's promoter, Don King.
After taking office, President Andrew Johnson vetoed the re-authorization and funding of the bureau in 1866 during Reconstruction.
Because it provided no exceptions for impregnations stemming from rape and incest, the measure was vetoed by Governor Buddy Roemer, a Democrat, who switched parties the following year.
In 2006, legislation to establish Gumboro as an incorporated town was passed by the Delaware General Assembly, but was vetoed by Governor Ruth Ann Minner.
However, her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, vetoed the idea.
Holy Cross could have joined the newly founded Big East Conference in 1980, but college President Rev. John E. Brooks, S.J., vetoed the move for academic reasons.
The bill was vetoed by President Bush and did not receive enough votes for an override.
Mayor John Peyton vetoed the bill, but the council voted unanimously to override the veto.
He was a figure in the notable lawsuit that became known as "The Parson's Cause" in 1763, in which the young attorney Patrick Henry argued that the colony had the right to establish its own method of payment to clergy (which had been vetoed by the Crown).
Republican senator John Heinz from Pennsylvania wanted to make the site a national park but the Bill was pocket-vetoed due to a clerical error by President Jimmy Carter.
Governor Jesse Ventura vetoed over 300 million dollars for capital bonding projects - including $9.5 million for the Planetarium.
A merger of the two was attempted in 1902 but vetoed by Mississippi governor James K. Vardaman.
In January 2008, Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior vetoed any Mohawk plans for a casino saying the Mohawk reservation on the Canadian border was too far from the track.
They were chosen among the big U.S. bank when President Andrew Jackson vetoed the recharter for the Second Bank of the United States, proposed by Daniel Webster and Henry Clay four years before the recharter was due.
In spite of brilliant speeches in opposition to it made by Robert Lowe the bill was carried by 14 votes to seven; however, it was vetoed by the governor, Sir George Gipps, and nothing more was heard of it.
In a turn of events, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford vetoed the bill on June 6, 2007, the penultimate night of the 2007 legislative session.
In 2012, the New Jersey Legislature had passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, but it was vetoed by Governor Chris Christie.
A new ordinance proposed to replace the TDO was passed by the City Council in 2000, however it was quickly vetoed by Mayor Paul Schell.
In The Invisible Writing, Koestler recalls that during the summer of 1935 he "wrote about half of a satirical novel called The Good Soldier Schweik Goes to War Again..... It had been commissioned by Willy Münzenberg
Harnisch introduced the legislation in 1981, which was vetoed by Governor Lee S. Dreyfus.
Information gathered by Operation Rescue allegedly contributed to the introduction of a strict clinic regulations bill in 2005, which passed both Houses of the Kansas Legislature by a two-thirds majority, but was vetoed by Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
However, the bill was vetoed by Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych on grounds of what he deemed failings in the bill's lack of provisions for personal data safeguards.
During a stint as the host of "Grandstand and Bandstand" on WMCA, he tried to audition for the Yankees, but sponsor Wheaties vetoed him out of hand.
Washington achieved national attention in 1830 when on May 27 President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill passed by Congress which would have allowed the Federal Government to purchase stock in the Maysville-Washington-Lexington Turnpike Road Company.
The newly formed British Broadcasting Company had wanted to record and broadcast the event on radio, but the Chapter vetoed the idea (although the Dean, Herbert Edward Ryle, was in favour).
He spoke often on the justice and necessity of "impartial suffrage", or voting rights for African-Americans, introduced a bill (which passed into law) in the 39th United States Congress which gave the right to vote to African-Americans in the District of Columbia, and spoke in favor of impeaching President Johnson, who had vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Freedmen's Bureau Bill .
This is despite the $4.8 million of funding to other public radio and television stations (including WLRN radio and television) vetoed by Governor Rick Scott in May 2011.
The track laid off the remaining 75-80 workers and closed its doors after Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick vetoed a gaming bill that could have allowed the park to add slot machines.
The station was relaunched as a commercially-based 24-hour weather channel on June 1, 2011; this came after state funding to Florida's public radio and television stations was vetoed by Governor Rick Scott in May.