
2 unusual facts about viewpoints


In their book, The Viewpoints Book: A Practical Guide to Viewpoints and Composition, Anne Bogart and Tina Landau identify the primary Viewpoints as those relating to Time - which are Tempo, Duration, Kinesthetic Response, and Repetition - and those relating to Space - which are Shape, Gesture, Architecture, Spatial Relationship and Topography.

Originally developed in the 1970s by choreographer Mary Overlie as a method of movement improvisation, The Viewpoints theory was adapted for stage acting by directors Anne Bogart and Tina Landau.

A Talent for War

As in the movie Rashomon, the same event may seem very different when seen from different viewpoints .

Broken Bay

Lion Island, named for its profile's resemblance to a Sphinx from some viewpoints, is located at the entrance of Broken Bay.

Censorship in Pakistan

The government controls the Pakistan Television (PTV) and Radio Pakistan, the only free-to-air broadcast outlets with a national reach, and predictably coverage supports official viewpoints.

Chaos terrain

In the graphic novel Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan ponders upon the alternative viewpoints of existence, and says that Mars did not choose life, but rather "chaotic terrain".

Critical approaches to Hamlet

From the growing madness of Prince Hamlet, to the violent ending to the constant reminders of death, to, even, more subtly, the notions of humankind and its structures and the viewpoints on women, Hamlet evokes many things that would recur in what is widely regarded as the first piece of Gothic literature, Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, and in other Gothic works.

Department of Defense Architecture Framework

One can view DoDAF products, or at least the 3 views, as ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000 or ISO/IEC 42010 viewpoints.

Film school

The Moscow Film School was founded in 1919 with Russian filmmakers including Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Pudovkin, and Lev Kuleshov serving as faculty to disseminate their very distinct viewpoints on the purpose of film.

FoolsFURY Theater

foolsFURY, founded in 1998 by Artistic Director Ben Yalom, specializes in physical theater techniques such as Viewpoints, Suzuki, and Grotowski-based methods.

ISO/IEC 42010

Viewpoints have a long history in software and systems engineering, dating back at least to the 1970s in Ross' Structured Analysis.

Jonathan M. Woodward

He performed with Big Dance Company at Dance Theater Workshop, HERE Arts Center and the Viewpoints Conference in New York as well as the Exit and Via Festivals in France and the Polverigi Festival in Italy.

Libel trial of Joseph Howe

During the year 1834, Howe was starting to attract attention to himself due to his strong independent viewpoints in his editorials in the Novascotian, the Government was starting to take notice.

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Lies is one of several books published in 2003 written by American liberals challenging the viewpoints of conservatives such as Bernard Goldberg, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.

No Less Than Victory

Portions of the narrative are also told from viewpoints on the Nazi side of the war, primarily Albert Speer and Gerd von Rundstedt.

Olivet Discourse

Within conservative, evangelical Christian thought, two opposite viewpoints have been expressed in a debate between theologians Kenneth L. Gentry and Thomas Ice.


Hiroaki Inami, a blogger and professor of philosophy at the University of Tokyo, uses the term "post-monotheism" to describe the religious viewpoints of the writers D. H. Lawrence and Shinobu Orikuchi.

Stanley Fish

In the latter piece, Fish argues that, if one has some answer in mind to the question "what is free speech good for?" along the lines of "in the free and open clash of viewpoints the truth can more readily be known," then it makes no sense to defend deliberate malicious libel (such as that which was at issue in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Hustler Magazine v. Falwell) in the name of "free speech."


He notes that, despite these conflicting viewpoints, the two directors remained friendly and were members of the same political party, the Nahdlatul Ulama, and later collaborated on an Islamic-themed film entitled Tauhid.

To Sail Beyond the Sunset

Maureen lives through, and gives her (sometimes contradictory) viewpoints on many events in other Heinlein stories, most notably the 1917 visit from the future by "Ted Bronson" (in actuality Lazarus Long), told from Long's point of view in Time Enough for Love, D. D. Harriman's space program from The Man Who Sold the Moon and the rolling roads from The Roads Must Roll.

Viewpoints Research Institute

Started by Alan Kay, Viewpoints Research Institute (VPRI) is a nonprofit public benefit organization incorporated in 2001 to improve "powerful ideas education" for the world's children and to advance the state of systems research and personal computing.

Villa Cypris

The gallery and other features provided viewpoints for Dubernet to watch her daughter Virginie Hériot, a competitive sailor, yachting in the bay below.

see also