
4 unusual facts about visual acuity


Visual acuity, the behavioral ability to resolve fine image details

Eagle Squadrons

The basic requirements for those interested in joining the Eagle Squadron were a high school diploma, being between 20 and 31 years of age, eyesight that was 20/40 correctable to 20/20, and 300 hours of certified flying time.

Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test

The final arrangement of the hue tiles represents the aptitude of the visual system in discerning differences in color hue.

Transit of Uranus from Neptune

This is the rarest of all single transits involving the eight planets, owing to the long synodic period of 172 years (of Uranus from Neptune), the very small apparent diameter of the Sun (1.07 arc-minutes, close to the limit of human visual resolution) as seen from Neptune, and the mutual inclination of the two orbits, 1.5 degrees, which is less than that of most planetary pairs.

Presbia Flexivue Microlens

Results from a one-year follow-up by Prof. Ioannis Pallikaris of patients that have received the Presbia Flexivue Microlens, show that it improves near vision in patients with emmetropic presbyopia without compromising binocular distance visual acuity.

see also

Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons

Serious disability is equivalent to visual acuity of less than 20/200 Snellen measured using both eyes.