
unusual facts about vocabulary

Ainu languages

Linguists believe the vocabulary shared between Ainu and Nivkh (historically spoken in the northern half of Sakhalin and on the Asian mainland facing it) is due to borrowing.

Architectural sculpture

The known Greek and Roman examples have been exhaustively studied, and frequently copied or adapted into subsequent neo-classical styles: Greek Revival architecture, usually the most strict; Neoclassical architecture; Beaux-Arts architecture with its exaggerated and romantic free interpretations of the vocabulary, and even Stalinist neo-classical architecture like the Central Moscow Hippodrome adapted to a totalitarian aesthetic.

Bamar people

Its core vocabulary consists of Sino-Tibetan words, but many terms associated with Buddhism, arts, sciences, and government have derived from the Indo-European languages of Pali and English.

Barbacoan languages

However, a subsequent publication by Henri Beuchat and Paul Rivet placed Coconucan together with a Paezan family (which included Páez and Paniquita) due a misleading "Moguex" vocabulary list.

Bergdorf Blondes

Rather like the “Slayer slang” of the TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (WB/UPN 1998-2003), Bergdorf Blondes employs a rich vocabulary of “in” words and abbreviations – “Arizona” for “rehab”; “FOB/G” (Friend of President Bill Clinton/George W Bush); “Ana” (anorexic).

Bernese German

A lot of the vocabulary known as typical to Bernese German comes from the Mattenenglisch, e.g. Gieu 'boy', Modi 'girl'.

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson

Einar Haugen, The Vocabulary of Bjørnson's Literary Works (1978)

Chayahuita language

Can not be understood by Jebero speakers, although there is some overlap in vocabulary, especially certain Quechua terms.

Comecrudo language

In 1886, Albert Gatschet recorded vocabulary, sentences, and a text from the descendants (who were not fluent) of the last Comecrudo speakers near Camargo, Tamaulipas, at Las Prietas (Swanton 1940: 55–118).

Dalton Prejean

On the basis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, the Stanford Binet Vocabulary Subtest and the Bender-Gestalt Test, Dr. William Hawkins determined that he functioned at the dull normal level in the verbal area but in the borderline mental retardate area in the performance area.

Daniel B. Wallace

A Scripture Index to Moulton and Milligan’s Vocabulary of the Greek Testament in the reprint of Moulton and Milligan (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1997).

Defining vocabulary

The first such dictionary to use a defining vocabulary was the New Method English Dictionary by Michael West and James Endicott (published in 1935), a small dictionary written using a defining vocabulary of just 1490 words.

Disputes in English grammar

For example, in addition to the differences in accent, spelling, and vocabulary, there are many points of spoken grammar that differ between and among the British, American, Australian, and other varieties of the English language in everyday use.

Eastern Romance substratum

In addition to vocabulary items, some other features of Eastern Romance, such as phonological features and elements of grammar (see Balkan sprachbund) may also be from Paleo-Balkan languages.

Edward Backhouse Eastwick

In 1843 he translated the Persian Kessahi Sanjan, or History of the Arrival of the Parsees in India; and he wrote a Life of Zoroaster, a Sindhi vocabulary, and various papers in the transactions of the Bombay Asiatic Society.

Étienne Marc Quatremère

Quatremère edited and translated part of Al-Maqrizi's, (1364–1442), Arabic History of the Mameluke Sultans (2 vols., 1837–41), "not because he had all that much interest in the history of Mamluk Egypt, but rather because he was fascinated by the vocabulary of fifteenth-century Arabic and particularly in those lexicographic nuggets that had not been defined in the standard of Arabic dictionaries".

EU Open Data Portal

Its metadata catalogue is built on the basis of the Dublin Core, the data catalogue vocabulary DCAT and the asset description metadata schema ADMS.

Figures in a Landscape

:: "Barry England's prose has the tough, spare elegance of steel scaffolding. His vocabulary is wide, and used with arresting precision. The speed of the narrative is impeccably controlled - long slogs over country, moments of blind panic, passages of demoralizing inactivity, hair-raising evasions, all building up to a central set-piece in a burning field. On all levels, Figures in a Landscape is a brilliant achievement." -- Roger Baker in the Times, June 08, 1968

Final vocabulary

Richard Rorty coined the term "final vocabulary" which he explicated in Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity to mean a set of communicative beliefs whose contingency the bearer more or less ignores.


However the classical scholar Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614) successfully argued that some, mainly those dealing with philosophy, betrayed too recent a vocabulary.


St Gildas, the Welsh author of the De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae, is also credited with the Lorica, or Breastplate, an apotropaic charm against evil that is written in a curiously learned vocabulary; this too probably relates to an education in the Irish styles of Latin.

Hidatsa language

A description of Hidatsa-Mandan culture, including a grammar and vocabulary of the language, was published in 1877 by Washington Matthews, a government physician who lived among the Hidatsa at Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.


According to one non-Muslim scholar, Noah Feldman: "The vocabulary of martyrdom and sacrifice, the formal videotaped preconfession of faith, the technological tinkering to increase deadliness — all are now instantly recognizable to every Muslim."

Itsekiri language

It has also been very heavily influenced by Edo (Bini), Portuguese and English and has taken in loan words from neighbouring Ijo and Urhobo languages.However its basic structure, grammar and vocabulary is essentially Yoruboid with its closest relatives being the south-eastern family of Yoruba dialects - Ijebu, Ilaje-Ikale, Ondo, Akure and Owo.

Iztok Mlakar

The language of most of Mlakar's songs are based on the distinctive dialects of these areas, which have been strongly influenced by Italian and Friulian, especially in vocabulary and syntax.

Jean-Baptiste Biot

To publish it in correct form, Jean-Baptiste Biot wrote, he had to consult Stanislas Julien, the famous Sinologist, but also, especially for the translation of the most difficult part, the Kaogongji, he himself had to visit many workshops and questioned artisans and craftsmen about their methods and vocabulary in order to verify his son's work.

Kenneth Searight

Ogden was the creator of a modified version of English known as "Basic English", which consisted of a reduced vocabulary (only 850 words) and simplified grammar.

Kipsigis people

As with some Bantu groups, the Kipsigis and other Nilotes in the Great Lakes region have, through interaction, adopted customs from Southern Cushitic groups, including the age set system of social organization, circumcision, and elements of vocabulary.

Language and gender

This does not however affect the entire vocabulary but when it does, the terms used by men generally come from Carib and those used by women come from Arawak.

Language reform

Estonian (1910s/1920s) — reform movement led by Johannes Aavik and Johannes V. Veski renewed the vocabulary, borrowing a lot of roots from Finnish and other Uralic languages and even inventing some roots.

Leslie Kish

Kish was born in Poprad, Slovakia; he arrived with his family in the USA in 1926 with an English vocabulary of approximately 300 words.

Malagasy language

Malagasy shares much of its basic vocabulary with the Ma'anyan language, a language from the region of the Barito River in southern Borneo.

Mayadhar Raut

Mayadhar Raut is considered a master of Natyashastra and Abhinaya Darpana, and has enriched the Abhinaya vocabulary of Odissi.

Mental lexicon

As a child acquires their vocabulary, two separate aspects of the mental lexicon develop named the Lexeme and the Lemma.

Old Virginia accent

However, Virginia received more colonists from the English West Country, bringing with them a distinctive dialect and vocabulary.

Olivia Louvel

Asserting her own vocabulary, she then embarked on her cinematic opus "Lulu In Suspension" inspired by silent-movie star Louise Brooks and her book "Lulu in Hollywood".


Vocabulary OneSource a data vocabulary management tool created and used by the United States Air Force

Renaissance Learning

Tier 1 software includes Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, Accelerated Vocabulary, Accelerated Grammar & Spelling, and Accelerated Writer.

Samuel Ajayi Crowther

Following the British Niger Expeditions of 1854 and 1857, Crowther produced a primer for the Igbo language in 1857, another for the Nupe language in 1860, and a full grammar and vocabulary of Nupe in 1864.

Sichuanese Mandarin

The vocabulary of Sichuanese has three main origins: Bashu (or Ancient Sichuanese), Middle Chinese and the languages of the immigrants, including Proto-Mandarin from Hubei, Xiang, Gan and Hakka, which were brought to Sichuan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Terry Pettus

When Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger passed through Seattle, they performed at the hoots; it is believed that they picked up the term hootenanny there, and passed it into the broader American vocabulary.

The Luyas

Singer/guitarist Jessie Stein expands the band’s musical vocabulary when she plays the Moodswinger, a 12-string electric zither designed by the Dutch experimental luthier Yuri Landman.

Thomas Tonkin

Tonkin put forth in 1737 proposals for printing a history of Cornwall, in three volumes of imperial quarto at three guineas; and on 19 July 1736 he prefixed to a collection of modern Cornish pieces and a Cornish vocabulary, which he had drawn up for printing, a dedication to William Gwavas of Gwavas, his chief assistant (this dedication was sent by Prince L. L. Bonaparte on 30 November 1861 to the 'Cambrian Journal,' and there reprinted to show the indebtedness to Tonkin's labours of William Pryce.

Truce term

The vocabulary of children's games, including truce terms, is described by sociolinguist Peter Trudgill in Dialects of England as being particularly rich in regional variation insofar as they are not based on official or television culture.

Unified Medical Language System

The SPECIALIST Lexicon contains information about common English vocabulary, biomedical terms, terms found in MEDLINE and terms found in the UMLS Metathesaurus.

Vladimir Toporov

He translated the Dhammapada into Russian and supervised the ongoing edition of the most complete vocabulary of the Prussian language to date (5 volumes).

William H. Baxter

He is currently collaborating with Laurent Sagart at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris on an improved reconstruction of the pronunciation, vocabulary, and morphology of Old Chinese.

Yuchi language

Gatschet also did lots of field study and documentation regarding the language, many of his original vocabulary lists can be found at the National Anthropological Archives or on their website.

Yves A. Lussier

As a co-founder of Purkinje, he pioneered the commercial use of controlled medical vocabulary organized as directed semantic networks in electronic medical records (1st clinical ontology available commercially), as well as Pen computing for clinicians.

see also