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Hughes, after receiving a vote of confidence in his leadership by his party, resigned as Prime Minister but, as there were no alternative candidates, the Governor-General, Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, immediately re-commissioned him, thus allowing him to remain as Prime Minister while keeping his promise to resign.
In December 2013, following a parliamentary vote of confidence, Kay paid tribute to the outgoing Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon, noting that Shirdon had endeavoured to promote growth and progress and was an important principal in establishing the New Deal Compact between Somalia and its international partners.
Although, the Berlusconi I Cabinet obtained a vote of confidence also in the Senate, thanks to the defection of four PPI senators (Vittorio Cecchi Gori, Stefano Cusumano, Luigi Grillo and Tomaso Zanoletti), who decided not to participate in the vote.
It was founded in June 1995 as a split from the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) by those Communist MPs who had voted the vote of confidence in the government of Lamberto Dini (supported also by the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), the Italian People's Party and the Northern League) in March 1995.
The Liberals were concerned to save the government during the vote of confidence and had also contacted MPs Chuck Cadman, Inky Mark and Belinda Stronach who had actually crossed the floor and was made an instant minister.
the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, which allows the Prime Minister to request a vote of confidence to be held by way of a national referendum
After airing an interview with Fianna Fáil politicians Charlie O'Connor and Darragh O'Brien, recorded outside Leinster House following the vote of confidence in then Taoiseach Brian Cowen, Browne popped up onscreen back in the studio and remarked: "God, it would do your head in, wouldn't it?".