Reliable Replacement Warhead | Warhead Records | BROACH warhead |
In 1986/7, the United States Army Infantry School had published a report asserting that the rifle, as a weapon, had already reached its peak, and the only way to really improve matters was to use an exploding warhead.
Arthur C. Clarke wrote an article called, "War and Peace in the Space Age," in which he suggested that an artificial satellite in retrograde orbit could use "a bucket of nails" to destroy an SDI (anti-warhead) satellite.
BROACH warhead, an advanced multi-stage warhead developed by a consortium of British companies
From 1980 to 1993, the French Air Force occupied at 0.4 km² plot where it operated a plant for the assembly of nuclear warheads for air and land-based missiles (ASMP and Hadès).
Chevaline was devised as an answer to the improved Soviet defences around Moscow, the system being intended to increase the probability of at least one warhead penetrating the city's Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defences, something which the Royal Navy's earlier Polaris RVs were thought to be unlikely to do.
Combining the laser seeker with the FAT warhead produces a capable long-range anti-tank missile that is faster and much less expensive than traditional platforms like the AGM-114 Hellfire.
The army originally stated that he had been hit by a mortar while exiting his M113, but Peter Worthington of the Toronto Sun later brought the accounts of soldiers into the public eye, stating that it was an anti-tank rocket that had killed Gunther, implying it had not been a simple misfortune, but a deliberately aimed warhead that killed the Corporal driving a marked UN Peacekeeping vehicle.
Defense Support Program Satellite, a system for detecting ballistic missile launch and nuclear warhead detonation.
Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle, the non-explosive warhead of an antimissile system.
The US army purchased the Model 58 ENTAC with an improved warhead to replace the Nord SS.10 (or MGM-21A).
Nine Royal Air Force Avro Lancaster heavy bombers from 106 Squadron were dispatched against her, each one carrying a single "Capital Ship" bomb, a 5,500 lb device with a shaped charge warhead intended for armored targets.
After Halibut discovered a sunken Soviet submarine containing at least one intact ballistic missile complete with nuclear warhead, Melvin Laird, United States Secretary of Defense under President Richard Nixon, approved Azorian.
The range with a 1000 kilogram warhead was increased from 280 to 320 kilometres, and the Isayev engine was slightly modified.
The XM96 RCR (Riot Control Rocket) had a CS gas-filled warhead for crowd control and was used with the XM191 quadruple-tube launcher.
Also on deck are four Otomat anti-ship missiles, capable of striking a target 160 km or more away, with a 210 kg warhead.
In 1958 the Army thought that existing knowledge was sufficient to begin work on a guided missile with a HEAT warhead, and in June 1959 Sperry and Ford Aeronutronic were asked for designs to fill the shorter range role.
They illegally trespassed onto the General Electric Nuclear Missile facility in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, where they damaged nuclear warhead nose cones and poured blood onto documents and files.
The warhead was tested on Novaya Zemlya in October 1957 and again in 1958, yielding an estimated 2.9 Mt.
In the US military, reactive materials (RM) are a new class of materials currently being investigated by the Office of Naval Research and others as a means to increase the lethality of direct-hit or fragmentation warheads.
Ground Launched Cruise Missile (BGM-109G Gryphon) - land-based Tomahawk with tactical nuclear warhead of 10-50 kt and 2000–2500 km range
The Naval Surface Warfare Center teamed with the Marine Corps Systems Command, NSWC Dahlgren and Talley Defense Systems responded to an urgent U.S. Marine Corps need for a shoulder-launched enhanced-blast warhead in 2003.
The action taken is to destroy the beam weapon in use by a pocket nuke consisting of an Einsteinium warhead contained within the stock of a modified pistol.
The AGM-114N Hellfire II, first used by U.S. forces in 2003 in Iraq, uses a Metal Augmented Charge (MAC) warhead that contains a thermobaric explosive fill using fluoridated aluminium layered between the charge casing and a PBXN-112 explosive mixture.
TN 80 was deployed between 1985 and 1991 as the warhead of the ASMP air-to-surface missile carried by the Dassault Mirage IVP bomber.
In the 1994 film True Lies, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Harry Tasker calls a "Bright Boy Alert" for the impending detonation of a stolen Russian warhead on U.S. soil by terrorists, although this presumably should be termed a "Broken Arrow" event since it involves a nuclear incident unlikely to result in nuclear war.
Towards the end of 1955 consideration was given to using the physics package of the TX-46 aerial bomb as a warhead for the USAF Snark intercontinental cruise missile.
Meanwhile, R.I.P.L.E.Y. is led to believe that Philadelphia has been hit by a bioterrorist attack and decides to halt the spread of the bioweapon by hijacking a Predator drone with missiles and a nuclear warhead on board and use it to destroy the city.