31 May - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.
Meanwhile, the Royal Moroccan Air Force bombed Tifariti again, killing at least five civilians, wounding 20 and destroying the infrastructure of the town, according to Hash Ahmed, then POLISARIO representative in Madrid, who added that ten thousand refugees on the Tifariti region were fleeing, and a hundred were disappeared.
In the boatyard, Julian and Ursula are yelled at by their boss Williamson (Tommy Flanagan), who pulls out his anger by shooting Julian in the arm, severely wounding him and leading to an arm brace.
Also in 2002, a hand grenade thrown onto a passenger Isuzu truck, full of Nuers traveling to Lare in Jikawo woreda, killing two instantly and wounding 18.
On 16 March 2007 a 130 km/h sandstorm hit the city of Bam without warning, suffocating 3 children, killing 2 in car accidents, and wounding 14 others.
On 2 December, De la Rey's commando ambushed an ox-wagon convoy east of Rustenburg, killing and wounding 64 British soldiers and capturing 54 men and 118 wagons.
On 22 July, a source affiliated with the local tribes stated that armed tribespeople intercepted a convoy of militants headed to Zinjibar near the town of Mudiyah, killing one militant, wounding another, and arresting ten.
On 19 June, officials reported that the government shelled militants in the Dufas area of Zinjibar, killing 12 and wounding three.
On 4 March, militants launched an attack against an Army artillery battalion on the outskirts of Zinjibar, overrunning it and killing 187 soldiers and wounding 135.
The official inquiry, led by Bologna's public prosecutor Andrea Scarpa, charged 10 people, including Trenitalia CEO Mauro Moretti and the Head of the infrastructure division of RFI Michele Mario Elia, of causing a rail disaster, involuntary homicide and involuntary wounding.
On March 14, 2013, a man went on a stabbing rampage in Etajima, killing two co-workers and wounding six others.
As the British abandoned the fort, they set the powder magazine to blow up, killing or wounding several hundred U.S. soldiers (including General Zebulon Pike, for whom Pikes Peak is named).
It also was highly effective against Shelob, cutting the spider's eyes and wounding her sufficiently that she fled in pain.
On 31 May 2010 Ghani was involved in the Gaza flotilla, when the Israel Defense Forces attacked an international aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip, killing several activists and wounding others.
Their most notable success was sharing in the shooting down and wounding of Jasta 11's Lothar von Richthofen on 13 March, force-landing his Fokker Dr.I triplane.
On 23 June 1996, a massive truck bomb exploded near a U.S. military barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing nineteen U.S. American servicemen and wounding hundreds of people.
Stane eventually detonates a bomb planted inside the Circuits Maximus dome, killing Morley while wounding Rhodes and Clytemnestra.
In her capacity as mayor, Fraysse was overseeing a meeting of the Nanterre municipal council on March 26, 2002 when Richard Durn opened fire on the group, killing eight and wounding nineteen.
He is sometimes credited with killing Edward, Duke of York, wounding Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and cutting an ornament from the crown of Henry V of England; but he was then overpowered by the King's bodyguard, and slain by the Welsh nobleman Dafydd Gam before he could yield himself.
On 24 March 1970 a squad of Phalange militiamen led by Bashir Gemayel ambushed a PLO funeral cortege heading for Damascus when it passed through the Christian village of Kahala, killing ten people and wounding an even greater number, mostly Palestinians.
Eleven days later, on 24 April 2003, a suicide bomber approached the new train station and activated the bomb he was carrying, murdering Alexander Kostyuk, the security guard who had prompted him for identification, and wounding 13 others.
Confederate soldiers fired back from Mathias Point, striking and mortally wounding Commander James H. Ward of the Freeborn, who became the first Union naval officer to die in the Civil War.
The road leading to the cemetery has been named Martyrs' Cemetery Road, and according to the Mafkarat al-Islam was the site of an August 26 2006 attack against a US convoy on the road headed to the cemetery, which destroyed a Humvee and killed three American troops, wounding two others, and a similar attack nine days later.
Prior to 1980 Turkish coup d'etat, he was arrested by the Military Court No. 1 on May 20, 1979 on allegations of his involvement in killing and wounding persons and various bombings in Şişli and Gültepe in İstanbul.
The resulting House of Lords case (R v Brown, colloquially known as "the Spanner case") ruled that consent was not a valid legal defence for wounding and actual bodily harm in the UK, except as a foreseeable incident of a lawful activity in which the person injured was participating, e.g. surgery.
Paul fired his ever-present shotgun and emptied his revolver at the robbers, wounding a Cowboy later identified as Bill Leonard in the groin.
In August 2006 an RPG-29 round was reported to have penetrated the frontal ERA of a Challenger 2 tank during an engagement in al-Amarah, Iraq, lightly wounding several crew members, but only lightly damaging the tank which drove home under its own power.
After a year of relative calm, Sadr City was struck by a massive bomb blast on June 24, 2009 when a bomb-laden vegetable cart or motorcycle was detonated in the Muraidi Market of the town, killing at least 69 civilians and wounding over 150.
Gunmen firing M-16 and AK-47 rifles shot out his tires at a petrol station in Bangkok and sprayed over 100 bullets into Sondhi’s car, wounding Sondhi and seriously wounding his driver.
On 29 March 1918, a German shell, fired by the long-range "Paris Gun", fell on the church, killing 88 people and wounding 68 others; the explosion collapsed the roof when a Good Friday service was in progress.
Serb snipers in a Holiday Inn hotel under the control of the Serbian Democratic Party in the heart of Sarajevo opened fire on the crowd killing six people and wounding several more.
Sylvia Wynanda Seegrist (born July 31, 1960) is an American woman who on October 30, 1985 opened fire at a Springfield, Pennsylvania shopping mall, killing three people and wounding seven others before being disarmed by a Volunteer Firefighter/EMT who was shopping at the mall.
On November 22, 1963, shortly after the fatal shooting of President Kennedy and the wounding of Texas governor John Connally (who was the jump seat passenger in the Kennedy limousine) at 12:30 p.m. and the fatal shooting of Officer Tippit at approximately 1:16 p.m., Oswald entered the Texas Theatre shortly after 1:30 p.m. without paying for a ticket, ostensibly to avoid police.
Piaute chief Numaga ambushed Ormsby on May 12, 1860 and defeated the vigilantes killing 76 men and wounding another 29 at what came to be known as the first Battle of Pyramid Lake.