
unusual facts about youth organization

Dimitrios Diathessopoulos

He is a member of the National Committee of PASOK and is a leader in PASOK's Youth Organization.

Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement (also JA or JA Worldwide) is a non-profit youth organization founded in 1919 by Horace A. Moses, Theodore Vail, and Winthrop M. Crane.

Opera Nazionale Balilla

Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) was an Italian Fascist youth organization functioning, as an addition to school education, between 1926 and 1937 (the year it was absorbed into the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio, GIL, a youth section of the National Fascist Party).

Timurite movement

The Timurite movement or Timur movement (Тимуровское движение) was an altruistic youth volunteering movement in the Soviet Union promoted via mass youth organizations of Little Octobrists and Young Pioneers.

see also

Andy Maar

He is the treasurer of the Pirate Party of Luxembourg (Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg) and the former national president of the ADR's youth organization ADRenalin.

Armenian lobby in the United States

The Armenian Youth Federation-Youth Organization Of The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (AYF-YOARF).

Basque National Liberation Movement

Jarrai (In English, "Follow", a youth organization), became Haika and later Segi, all of them were declared illegal in 2006 after being proved to be a part of ETA.

Dirty Diaries

Beatrice Fredriksson, member of the Moderate Party youth organization and author of the Anti-Feminist Initiative Blog, labelled the use of public funds as hypocrisy, since mainstream pornography would never receive the same financial support.

Džafer Kulenović

Even in Vienna, Kulenović was active amongst the Viennese Party of Rights' youth organization called the "Svijest" (The Awareness) and was elected its president.

East Touch

According to a survey of the reading habits of 15- to 29-year-olds in Hong Kong conducted by Breakthrough, a non-profit Christian youth organization in Hong Kong, in February 1999, however, 'East Touch' lagged behind its closest competitors.

Eesti Skautide Ühing

The new Communist headquarters issued only one order, to liquidate the organizations and to surrender all property, including documents and archives, to the Komsomol Communist youth organization.

Enrico Del Debbio

In 1931 he became artistical-technical consultant in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni for an exhibition celebrating the Decennal of the Fascist Revolution; he was also director of the technical office of the Balilla House (the fascist youth organization).


United Panhellenic Organization of Youth, a Greek leftist youth organization founded during World War II


4-H, a U.S. youth organization administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Katina Schubert

In her youth (1980–1982) Schubert was a member of the German Social Democratic Party's (SPD) youth organization, but later became involved with the extraparliamentary left.

Klaus Ernst

In 1972 he became a member of the German Metalworkers' Union and in 1974 he took the chair of regional trade unions youth organization in Munich (until 1979) and became a partymember of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.


The site is run by E@I, an international youth organization, which started as a working group of the World Esperanto Youth Organisation.

National Youth Organisation

National Youth Organisation (Pakistan), a youth organization active in Pakistan associated with Awami National Party


Pimpfe, the youngest members of the Hitler Youth organization in Nazi Germany

Progressive Youth Association

It made close relations with trade unions and democratic mass organizations, took part in May Day celebrations, protests against DGMs (Courts of State Security) and campaigns against the ultra-right party MHP and its youth organization.

Raza Unida Party

In Lubbock, the youth organization was headed by journalist Bidal Aguero, who later worked in the Raza Unida Party.


RISKA – Remaja Islam Sunda Kelapa, Islamic youth organization located in Jakarta, Indonesia

Robert Chapuis

As former head of JEC, a Christian student youth organization, he played a major role in the shifting post-colonial focus of the UNEF.

Scouting and Guiding in Armenia

and continued until 1922 when Scouting was officially banned and the Young Pioneers became the official state youth organization in Armenia.

Scouting in Nagorno-Karabakh

Some time later, the Scout movement revived with the cooperation of "Raffi" union of Tehran and the youth organization "Hayk's Generation".


Stonewall Jackson Area Council, a local council of the Boy Scouts of America, a youth organization, in Virginia and West Virginia, USA


All in all 64 organizations receive this governmental support - this includes both party political organizations, local branches of international organizations such as Red Cross youth organization and the Scouts, disabilities youth organizations and more hobby related organizations such as Sverok.

Tove Lill Løyte

She is the leader of the Norwegian political party Progress Party's Youth Organization the Youth of the Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom in Norwegian) in the county of Vest-Agder.

Union for the Struggle for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia

The Union for the Struggle for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (In Russian: Soyuz' Bor'bi za Osvobozhdeniye Narodov Rossii, Союз Борьбы за Освобождение Народов России, abbreviated as SBONR, СБОНР) was an organization of anti-communist Russians, regardless of ethnic origin, which emerged from the youth organization of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia.

W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America

The direct forerunner of the DuBois Clubs was the Progressive Youth Organizing Committee (PYOC), established in April 1959, and Advance, the New York City-based youth organization which the PYOC had sprung.


In the woods North East of the village Wandlitz is the small Bogensee with a former summer house of Joseph Goebbels, later part of the academy of the Free German Youth organization.

Young Guard

The Young Guard of United Russia, a pro-Kremlin 'direction action' youth organization, youth wing of United Russia

Young Social Democrats

Young Social Democrats (Czech Republic), a social democratic youth organization in the Czech Republic and a member of the International Union of Socialist Youth

Yugoslav Committee

Their liaisons in the homeland were the United Yugoslav Youth, an illegal youth organization formed in 1914 in Vienna, and on the other hand the Government of the Kingdom of Serbia.