
unusual facts about ''gens'' Decii

Aelia Capitolina

Aelia came from Hadrian's nomen gentile, Aelius, while Capitolina meant that the new city was dedicated to Jupiter Capitolinus, to whom a temple was built on the site of the former Jewish temple, the Temple Mount.

Anicius Faustus Albinus Basilius

His origins are unknown, although its name suggests it belonged to an aristocratic Roman families of Decii and of the Anicii: it is likely that he was the grandson of the consul of 480, Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius, and perhaps he was the son of the consul of 493, Albinus.

Auguste-François Maunoury

His only contribution to Apologetics is a volume entitled Soirées d'Automne, ou la Religion prouvée aux gens du monde (Paris, 1887).

Clan name

Roman clan name, a common element of Latin names, usually the second name following the praenomen and before the cognomen


The origin of the village dates back to the Roman Age as testified by the name, which finds its roots in Gens Cornelia, the Roman family to whom the land belonged.

Crescendo Association

2010: Hamadryad (Canada), Moongarden (Italy), Gens De La Lune (France), Sylvan (band) (Germany), Il Castello Di Atlante (Italy), Special Providence (Hungary), Mavara (Iran), Kotebel (Spain), The Skys (Lithuania), Motis (France)

Egnatius Victor Marinianus

Egnatius Marinianus was a member of the third century gens Egnatia, and it has been speculated that he was the son of Lucius Egnatius Victor, consul suffectus before AD 207.


Gens (pl. Gentes), in Ancient Rome, a family of those sharing the same nomen and a common ancestor


A gentlewoman (from the Latin gentilis, belonging to a gens, and English 'woman') in the original and strict sense is a woman of good family, analogous to the Latin generosus and generosa.

Grand Ages: Rome

They then choose which family to associate their character with, selecting between the Flavii, Valerii, Julii, Aemilii or Lucii, each with unique traits that benefit the player in military, civic or economic ways.


Susan Stevens identifies Junillus with a kinsman of the aristocrat Venantia who had the same name; she was a correspondent of Fulgentius of Ruspe, and possibly a member of the gens Decii.

Lex Cornelia

Lex Cornelia refers to any ancient Roman law (lex) sponsored by an official whose gens name was Cornelius, particularly Sulla.

Licinia Cornelia Volusia Torquata

Her name reveals that she was related to the gens, Licinia, gens Volusia, the Patrician gens Cornelia and her cognomen Torquata shows she may had some relations to the gens, Junia.

Linh Dan Pham

Since then she has appeared in lead or supporting roles mostly in films such as Dante 01, Pars vite et reviens tard (Have Mercy on Us All), Mr. Nobody, Le Bruit des Gens Autour, Le bal des actrices and Tout ce qui brille.


São Gens, a Celtic saint, martyred in Arles na Gália, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, and over time the locals began to refer to this saint as São Ginês, due to its easy of pronunciation.

Louis-Mayeul Chaudon

, designed to be equally removed from the prolixity of Louis Moréri and the dryness of Jean-Baptiste Ladvocat, with the imprint of Amsterdam, and professing to be the production of a "société de gens de lettres," but which, in fact, proceeded exclusively from the pen of Chaudon, and was published at Paris.

Lucius Annius Fabianus

Fabianus came from Caesarea in Mauretania Caesariensis and was in all probability related to the remaining patrician gens Annia.

Lucius Catius Celer

Catius Celer was a member of the third century gens Catia, and it has been speculated that he may have been either the son or grandson of Publius Catius Sabinus (consul in AD 216).

Marcus Lollius Paulinus Decimus Valerius Asiaticus Saturninus

The name of Saturninus reveals paternally he is related to the gens, Valeria, Lollia and gens, Volusia.

Marcus Umbrius Primus

Umbrius Primus was a member of the gens Umbrii Primi which hailed from Compsa (known today as Conza della Campania).


He was educated in Hispania, a part of the Roman Empire which in the 1st century produced several notable Latin writers, including Seneca the Elder and Seneca the Younger, Lucan and Quintilian, and Martial's contemporaries Licinianus of Bilbilis, Decianus of Emerita and Canius of Gades.

Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully

In 1599, he was appointed grand commissioner of highways and public works, superintendent of fortifications and grand master of artillery; in 1602 governor of Nantes and of Jargeau, captain-general of the Queen's gens d'armes and governor of the Bastille; in 1604 he was governor of Poitou; and in 1606 made first duke of Sully and a pair de France, ranking next to princes of the blood.


Lucius Postumius Megellus (4th-3rd centuries BC), two consuls of the gens Postumia

Publius Sempronius Tuditanus

Tuditanus, descended from a prominent branch of the plebeian gens Sempronia, may have been a nephew or cousin of the censor Marcus Sempronius C.f. Tuditanus who had been consul in 240 BC with Gaius Claudius Centho and censor in 230 BC with Quintus Fabius Maximus).

Roman–Latin wars

The Roman army, commanded by consular tribunes P. Valerius Potitus Poplicola and L. Aemilius Mamercinus, marched against them.

Romani people in France

In retaliation, a group later identified as 'travellers' ("Gens du voyage") attacked and pillaged the village of Saint-Aignan in central France.

Sextus Catius Clementinus Priscillianus

Catius Clementinus was a member of the third century gens Catia, and it has been speculated that he may have been the son of either Publius Catius Sabinus (consul in AD 216), or a Catius? Lepidus I—, a suffect consul sometime during the early third century.

Spurius Carvilius Maximus

, later surnamed Maximus, was the first member of the plebeian gens Carvilia to obtain the consulship, which he held in 293 BC, and again in 272 BC.

Ulane Bonnel

Following their marriage, Bonnel went to France with her husband, who had a distinguished career in the French Navy, rising to be chief of the maritime health service (chef du service santé des gens de mer) in 1969-72 and an internationally recognized biologist associated with the World Health Organization.

see also