
6 unusual facts about Nationalism

Antonio Sant'Elia

A nationalist as well as an irredentist, Sant'Elia joined the Italian army as Italy entered World War I in 1915.

Dutch people

The ideologies associated with (Romantic) Nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries never really caught on in the Netherlands, and this, together with being a relatively mono-ethnic society up until the late 1950s, has led to a relatively obscure use of the terms nation and ethnicity as both were largely overlapping in practice.

Ilya Spiegel

He ran for Parliament of Finland in 2011 as an opposition to nationalist movements gaining power and popularity among Finnish voters.

Michael Billig

This strand of work is shown in the collectively written work Ideological Dilemmas (1988 - with Condor, Edwards, Gane, Middleton and Radley), Banal Nationalism, and in his major study of ideology and the UK royal family, Talking of the Royal Family (1998, 2nd Edition).

Nationalist Movement

:For nationalist movements in general, see Nationalism.

Sinisa Malesevic

Previously he held research and teaching appointments at the Institute for International Relations (Zagreb), the Centre for the Study of Nationalism, CEU (Prague)- where he worked with late Ernest Gellner -, and at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

1985 Governor General's Awards

Michael D. Behiels, Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution: Liberalism versus Neo-nationalism

Action Française

However, the AF members were split between supporting the counter-revolutionary regime and their nationalism: after 1942, and in particular in 1943, some members, such as Henri d'Astier de la Vigerie, Pierre Guillain de Bénouville or Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves joined the Resistance or escaped to join the Free French Forces.

Alykul Osmonov

His main accomplishments were transforming poetry from an oral to a literary tradition, focusing upon secular themes with an emphasis on inner emotion, daily life, and nationalism, and translating numerous European authors into the Kyrgyz language, including William Shakespeare, Sándor Petőfi, and Alexander Pushkin.

Anchor Brewery, Southwark

Visitors included the Prince of Wales, the German statesman Otto von Bismarck, Prince Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, the Austrian general Julius Jacob von Haynau, who was attacked by draymen while touring the brewery in 1850, and the Italian nationalist Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1864.

Andy Kirshner

An Evening with Tony Amore for jazz voice and orchestra based on the persona of Frank Sinatra; Who It Is, a one-man musical about race and nationalism; the opera-oratorio The Watchtower inspired by apocalyptic TV newscasts and the Book of Isaiah; Dr. Nathan Feelgood In Person, an operetta for 10-piece blues band and a singing psychiatrist; and a cold-war musical for children with Dan Hurlin The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Austro-Prussian War

The war left Prussia dominant in German politics (since Austria was now excluded from Germany and no longer the top German state), and German nationalism would compel the remaining independent states to ally with Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, and then to accede to the crowning of King Wilhelm as German Emperor.


In the 19th century with the rise of liberalism, nationalism and Otto von Bismarcks Kulturkampf repressions and Germanisation against Poles as well as organised resistance by Polish population followed.

Brackette Williams

Her work has centered on the Caribbean region, and in particular, examined how racial and ethnic categories are reproduced in Guyana nationalism.

Brigade M

National Socialism was put on the ash heap and National Bolshevism, Strasserism, meta politics, people's nationalism, language purism, European unity and conservative criticism of society became the fundaments of the band.

Chandan Mitra

In 1984 he was awarded a Radical Islam and the Nuclear Bom degree at Oxford University, where he was a member of Magdalen College, for the thesis "Political mobilisation and the nationalism movement in India – a study of eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, 1936-1942" written under supervision of the noted Indian historian Dr Tapan Raychaudhuri.

Chasok Tangnam

Along with the resurgence of Limbu identity, culture and nationalism, Limbus have started to celebrate Chasok Tangnam as an important festival of their calendar.

Choe Sang-rim

Starting from October 1938, Choe refused to participate in worship of the Japanese Emperor, which was required by law in the 1930s (see Christianity in Korea: Korean nationalism), then he initiated the movement of antagonism towards Japanese Shinto Shrine worship by focusing on Namhae area.

Christopher Mtikila

Toward the end of 1995, a growing sense of Tanganyikan nationalism was taking hold and there was an increase of separatist sentiment on the mainland.

Elie Rekhess

His Ph.D., obtained in 1986 also at the Aranne School of History at Tel Aviv University, was titled "Between Communism and Arab Nationalism: Rakah and the Arab Minority in Israel (1965- 1973)."

Ends and Means

The book contains illuminating tracts on war, religion, nationalism and ethics, and was cited as a major influence on Thomas Merton in his autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain.


According to Joshua Fishman, a sociologist of language, the processes of language standardization and nationalism in modern societies make links between language and ethnicity salient to language-users.


Nationalism in most West European states after 18th century meet the criterion of political nationalism, which is also the nationalism that modernists including Eric Hobsbawm and Benedict Anderson refer to in their works.

Such conclusion of features of cultural nationalism is based upon Hutchinson's observation of nationalism of late nineteenth century India and China, respectively represented by Swami Vivekananda and Liang Qichao.

Ferdo Kozak

As a fierce opponent of Yugoslav centralism and nationalism, Kozak was among the founders of the left liberal journal Sodobnost, which he edited together with Josip Vidmar, Fran Albreht and Stanko Leben.

Ferhad Shakely

In 1992, he published Kurdish nationalism in Mam and Zin of Ahmad Khani, a literary history that was translated into Swedish, Turkish and Arabic.

Francophone nationalism

Francophone nationalism refers to nationalism of Francophone peoples and societies involving a theme of the French language as a component of it.

Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne

The publication of GRECE feature many articles on political philosophy, taking a lead from such authors as Carl Schmitt, Julien Freund, Vilfredo Pareto, Ernst Jünger, and ideologies such as communism, nationalism and liberalism.

Ġużè Muscat Azzopardi

Ġużè Muscat Azzopardi, along with other minor writers like Ludovik Mifsud Tommasi, Richard Taylor, Anton Muscat Fenech, Dwardu Cachia and Manwel Dimech, inherited the poetic testament of Ġan Anton Vassallo that built his poetry on three principal cornerstones: sentimentality, satire and nationalism.

Ilocos Sur

Some illustrious Filipino and Ilocanos among whom were Pedro Bukaneg, the Father of Ilocano literature; Diego Silang, the first Filipino emancipator; Josefa Gabriela Silang, the Filipino Joan of Arc; Dr. José Burgos, the Father of Filipino nationalism; Leona Florentino, the Ilocano poetess; Ventura de los Reyes, the first Filipino delegate to the Spanish Cortez; Mena Crisólogo, the Ilocano Shakespeare; Isabelo de los Reyes, the Father of Filipino socialism and unionism; Msgr.

James Redpath

Redpath was deeply affected by the extreme poverty of much of rural Ireland (he converted his friend and fellow-abolitionist David Ross Locke to support for Irish nationalism by taking him up the Galtee Mountains to show him the condition of smallholding mountain tenants.) Redpath became an outspoken advocate of the cause of the Land League and Charles Stewart Parnell; pro-landlord commentators accused him of incitement to murder.

Kamrooz Aram

Kamrooz Aram (born in Shiraz, Iran, 1978) is a contemporary artist whose work explores themes relating to belief systems, including nationalist, religious, and artistic ideologies.

Karol Libelt

Karol Libelt (8 April 1807, Poznań, Grand Duchy of Posen, Kingdom of Prussia, German Confederation - 9 June 1875, Brdowo) was a Polish philosopher, writer, political and social activist, social worker and liberal, nationalist politician, president of the PTPN.

Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The memo was denounced by the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, including future president of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević, who publicly called the memo "nothing else but the darkest nationalism", and future president of the Republika Srpska entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radovan Karadžić, who stated "Bolshevism is bad, but nationalism is even worse".

Montreux Convention Regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt

Following the First World War, a wave of nationalism was on the rise in Egypt, and the government, backed by the newly established Wafd Party, put growing demands before the British government - then in control of Egypt - to abolish the capitulations system while placing foreigners under the local Egyptian legal system.

National Independence Day

Starting in 2008, each year on 11th November in Warsaw is held "March of Independence" on the initiative of nationalist associations, such as National Radical Camp and All-Polish Youth.

National Policy Institute

In September 2011, NPI hosted its first national conference, entitled "Towards a New Nationalism." Speakers included Richard B. Spencer, Keith Preston, Byron Roth, Alex Kurtagic, Tomislav Sunic, Jared Taylor and his associate Sam Dickson.


Gladney, Dru C. Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the People's Republic (Volume 149, Issue 149 of Harvard East Asian monographs, ISSN 0073-0483).

Opera Nazionale Balilla

Nationalists in the years after the war thought of themselves as combating the both liberal and domineering institutions created by cabinets such as those of Giovanni Giolitti, including traditional schooling.

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

In contrast, the nationalists who emerged in Galicia following the First World War, much as in the rest of Europe, adopted the form of nationalism known as Integral nationalism.

Parliamentary immunity

Six of these were the deputies of the Democracy Party arrested in 1994 for promotion of Kurdish nationalism.


Iranian nationalism, nationalism among the people of Iran and individuals whose national identity is Iranian

Roy Starrs

He has written critical studies of the major Japanese writers Yasunari Kawabata, Naoya Shiga, Osamu Dazai, and Yukio Mishima, and edited books on Asian nationalism (especially ethnic nationalism, religious nationalism, and cultural nationalism), globalization, and pan-Asianism.

Sayuti Melik

In an atmosphere intensively promote Nasakom, he was the one who dared to oppose the idea of Nasakom ( nationalism, religion, communism).

The Ballot or the Bullet

Malcolm said that the philosophy of Black nationalism was being taught in the major civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, CORE, and SNCC.

The New Cold War

: Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State, a 1993 book by Mark Juergensmeyer

Tom Nairn

In 2001 he was invited to take up an Innovation Professorship in Nationalism and Cultural Diversity at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, leaving in January 2010.

Uneven and combined development

Marxist historian Tom Nairn has argued that uneven development can also lead to peripheral nationalism, for example in Scotland.

Vukovar, jedna priča

Writing for the Croatian daily Jutarnji list, Jurica Pavičić gave it a scathing review, saying the film was consistently promoting a false equidistance between the Croatian and Serbian nationalism in the war, that was especially irritating at the time when the Vukovar massacre had happened.

Yanaki and Milton Manaki

The plot of Theo Angelopoulos's film Ulysses' Gaze revolves around the fictional and metaphoric quest for a lost, undeveloped reel of film taken by the Manaki brothers before the Balkans were split by the forces of nationalism.

Yasuhiro Nakasone

A contemporary of Brian Mulroney, Ronald Reagan, Helmut Kohl, François Mitterrand, Margaret Thatcher, and Mikhail Gorbachev, he is best known for pushing through the privatization of state-owned companies, and for helping to revitalize Japanese nationalism during and after his term as prime minister.

Željko Ivanović

He was a founder and one of the editors of the first Montenegrin political magazine Krug (1990) that promoted values of open society, democracy, and liberalism while nationalism was advancing in a dissolving SFRJ.

see also