
unusual facts about Irredentism

Antonio Sant'Elia

A nationalist as well as an irredentist, Sant'Elia joined the Italian army as Italy entered World War I in 1915.

Brotherhood and unity

One Kosovo Albanian, Adem Demaçi, was imprisoned for almost 30 years for allegations of espionage and irredentism.

Lungotevere Guglielmo Oberdan

The Lungotevere is dedicated to the patriot irredentist Guglielmo Oberdan from Trieste, who deserted the Austrian army and was hanged after his attempt to murder Franz Joseph I of Austria.

Spiritual defence

A special form of spiritual defence was illustrated by the so-called 'Elvetismo' (cp. Helvetism) movement in Canton Ticino which opposed Italian Irredentism.

Trento-class cruiser

The three ships in the class were named after the three unredeemed cities taken from the Austro-Hungarian empire after the victory in World War I: Trento, Trieste, and Bolzano.

see also