
unusual facts about Æsir–Vanir War

Æsir–Vanir War

Scholars have cited parallels between the Æsir–Vanir War, The Rape of the Sabine Women from Roman mythology, and the Mahabharata from Hindu mythology, providing support for a Proto-Indo-European "war of the functions."


In Hávamál, Dvalin is said to have introduced the writing of runes to the dwarves, as Dain had done for the elves and Odin for the gods.


Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda and the Ynglinga saga tell how the supposedly historic (Non-deified version of Odin) Odin and his people the Æsir and Vanir, who later became the Swedes, obtained new land where they built the settlement of Old Sigtuna.

Hunnestad Monument

She appears to be the wolf-riding giantess Hyrrokkin who helped the Æsir push Balder's ship into the sea during his funeral, and thus she would be an appropriate image for a funerary monument.

Manilla Road

These are often combined in one setting, the concept album Atlantis Rising, for example, features a war between the Æsir and Cthulhu, centered around the city of Atlantis.

Might and Magic IX

The spirit of one of the six slain Jarls, Sven Forkbeard, reveals that Darre is a double-agent working for Leng, and the party is sent to the Otherworld of Axeoth to recover the dead warriors from Skraelos, the god of death.

Nine Daughters of Ægir

The Daughters of Ægir are the nine daughters of Ægir and Rán, a giant and goddess who both represent the sea in Norse mythology.

Thor Meets Captain America

While waiting for them to get to their destination, Chris recollects his memory of World War II and how the Nazi Party was about to be defeated by the allied forces until they received the aid of the Norse pantheon.

The story follows Captain Chris Turing, who is part of the team which is going to attack Valhalla and starts out with them traveling to their attack destination in a group of submarines hoping that what remained of the United States Surface Navy would be able to distract the Nazi and Norse pantheon forces.

O'Leary ends up insulting Thor, insisting that they are aliens, and as a result Thor orders his death before revealing that the Norse pantheon were invited "upon the wings of death itself."


In Norse mythology, Vígríðr or Óskópnir is a large field foretold to host a battle between the forces of the gods and the forces of Surtr as part of the events of Ragnarök.

Vili and Vé

Vili and Vé, together with Óðinn, are the three brothers who slew Ymir — ending the primeval rule of the race of giants — and are the first of the Æsir.

see also