American Sign Language: Because few individuals with Monosomy 1p36 develop complex speech, an alternate form of communication is critical to development.
His first child, and daughter, Ashlyn, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called 1p36 deletion syndrome, an affliction that develops when part of the first chromosome is missing.
Down syndrome | Tourette syndrome | Asperger syndrome | Marfan syndrome | Down Syndrome | Turner syndrome | Down's syndrome | Asperger's syndrome | Williams syndrome | Stockholm syndrome | Severe acute respiratory syndrome | Rett syndrome | Irukandji syndrome | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein | Tourette Syndrome Association | syndrome | severe acute respiratory syndrome | Premenstrual syndrome | Le syndrome de Peter Pan | Alport syndrome | Usher syndrome | The China Syndrome | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | Stockholm Syndrome (band) | Stockholm Syndrome | Stickler syndrome | Stevens–Johnson syndrome | Sjögren's syndrome | Restless legs syndrome |