
unusual facts about 2nd century BC

1506 in archaeology

14 January - The statue of Laocoön and His Sons (attributed to Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydoros of Rhodes; perhaps the original of the 2nd or 1st century BC or a later Roman copy) is unearthed in Felice De Fredis's vineyard near the site of the Domus Aurea of the Roman emperor Nero and the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.

see also


Alcaeus and Philiscus (2nd-century BC), two Epicurean philosophers expelled from Rome in either 173 BC or 154 BC.

Alcaeus of Messene, a Greek epigrammatist of the late 3rd/early 2nd century BC

Archaeological Museum of Florina

Also on the ground floor are grave stelae of the Roman period from Vevi (2nd–3rd century AD), Petres (2nd century BC), Sitaria (3rd century AD), Vythkouki, Kastoria regional unit (320 BC); statues from Vevi (a male torso of the Roman period) and Lakia (a statue of Artemis of the Roman period); and an exceptional mosaic floor from a house of the Roman period at Kato Kleines.

Aulus Pompeius

Aulus Pompeius (flourished 2nd century BC) was the son Quintus Pompeius tribune of the plebs in 132 BC, who was an opponent to politician Tiberius Gracchus and was the younger brother to the above named.


Buyeo kingdom, a kingdom located in today's North Korea and southern Manchuria from around the 2nd century BC to 494 AD


Charops, father of Machatas, father of Charops the younger - philoroman politicians (2nd century BC).


Charops of Epirus (2nd century BC), two statesmen (grandfather and grandson)

Charops of Epirus

Charops or Charopus is the name of two statesmen in 2nd century BC of the Epirote League, grandfather and grandson; both of them had the patronymic Machatas.

Crates Bay

The feature is named after the Greek philosopher Crates of Mallus (2nd century BC) who placed the southern polar land envisaged by Aristotle as two areas on the earliest globe representing the Earth.

Decimus Junius Brutus

Decimus Junius Brutus Callaicus (180 BC - 113 BC) led several armies during the Roman conquest of Iberia in the 2nd century BC

Dian Kingdom

Iaroslav Lebedynsky and Victor Mair speculate that some Scythians may also have migrated to the area of Yunnan in southern China following their expulsion by the Yuezhi in the 2nd century BC.


Euthydemus II, (2nd century BC) a ruler of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom

French ironclad Magenta

At the time of the accident, Magenta had a cargo of Carthaginian antiques, notably 2080 punic stelae (Tophet, 2nd century BC) and a marble statue of Vibia Sabina (Thasos, c. 127-128 AD), found in 1874 by the Pricot de Sainte-Marie mission.

G. R. Sharma

Professor G.R. Sharma, had ventured to document archaeologically the destruction and burning of several settlements in the Ganges valley during the so-called invasion of the Indo-Greek king Menander (considered to be identical with Milinda of the Buddhist tradition) in the 2nd century BC.


It was founded as a Roman colony in the early 2nd century BC as a defensive outpost on the Mincio crossing along the Via Postumia from Cremona to Verona.


According to Hanshu, the various states of the Western Regions, including Yanqi, were controlled by the Xiongnu, but later came under the influence of the Han Dynasty after its show of force when it attacked Dayuan (Fergana) late 2nd century BC.


Its arid soil didn’t help in developing an appropriate Castro town like in neighbouring Cividade Hill in the parish of Terroso despite its rise, but Castro ruins from the 2nd century BC are known, probably a north surveillance post of Cividade de Terroso.

North African elephant

Writing in the 2nd century BC, Polybius (The Histories; 5.83) described their inferiority in battle against the larger Indian elephants used by the Seleucid kings.


In the area there are two necropolises of the Lepontii-Celtic culture, dating to 2nd century BC-1st century AD.

Rachel Elior

She contends (as have Lawrence Schiffman, Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, Chaim Menachem Rabin, and others) that the Essenes were really the renegade sons of Zadok, a priestly caste banished from the Temple of Jerusalem by Greek rulers in 2nd century BC.

Roman aqueduct

In the countryside, permissions to draw water from aqueducts for irrigation were particularly hard to get; the exercise and abuse of such rights were subject to various known legal disputes and judgements, and at least one political campaign; in the early 2nd century BC Cato tried to block all unlawful rural outlets, especially those owned by the landed elite - "Look how much he bought the land for, where he is channeling the water!" - during his censorship.


Until the second half of the 2nd century BC, the city could preserve its autonomy, but its neighbours Byzantium and Perinthos became more powerful,and the city was under their control during the next centuries.

Syrian elephant

North African elephant, a subspecies of African elephant that became extinct around the 2nd century BC.