
unusual facts about 47 mm APX anti-tank gun

47 mm APX anti-tank gun

The chosen weapon was a design of the state-owned arsenal Atelier de Puteaux ("Puteaux workshop", abbreviated to APX), and was designated as canon de 47 mm semi-automatique mle 1937.

47 mm Model 1931 anti-tank gun

Reports of panzers knocked out by the '47' during the Battle of Belgium do exist, but in general the bulk of the Belgian army was deployed in the north of the country, on the flat terrain of Flanders, and not in the hilly terrain of the Ardennes in the south, which was regarded as impenetrable but nonetheless served as the primary route of invasion for about 2,500 German panzers.

Battle of Czajánek's barracks

Then the German infantry, now including an anti-tank company, attacked the barracks with machine gun fire, 50mm and 81mm mortars and a 37mm anti-tank gun.

Cactus Ridge

Three medium tanks from the 763d Tank Battalion were destroyed by a carefully sited and well-concealed 47 mm anti-tank gun.

Peter J. A. Lucas

The 8th DLI confronted the German assault with no supporting weapons – the few Valentine tanks and anti-tank guns were unable to cross the wadi - and no air support, since the aircraft had been grounded by torrential rain.

see also