On 8 May, the day after Putin was inaugurated, Navalny and another opposition leader, Sergei Udaltsov, were arrested after an anti-Putin rally at Clean Ponds, and were each given 15-day jail sentences.
Clean Water Act | Clean Air Act | Clean Air Act 1956 | The Clean | Ponds Forge | clean and jerk | A Clean Escape | Mr. Clean | Moonee Ponds Creek | Clean Ponds | Clean Air Act (United States) | 8-bit clean | The Clean Tech Revolution | The Clean Air Campaign | Sam "Squeak E. Clean" Spiegel | Not Completely Clean | Kiss Each Other Clean | Hanging Rock Ponds | Flag Ponds Nature Park | Eddie "Clean Head" Vinson | Clean Water Network | Clean Water Action | Clean Up the World | Clean-up | Clean Sweep | Clean Slate Program | Clean Skin | Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy | Clean House | Clean (film) |
The district contains Kursky Rail Terminal, historical areas of Khitrovka, Clean Ponds, Red Gates (shared with Krasnoselsky District), German Quarter and Basmannaya Sloboda.