
unusual facts about ADH-1


In a pilot study (phase I trial) at Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, ADH-1 intravenous pretreatment before chemotherapy in metastatic melanoma completely destroyed tumors in half the patients, normally a very deadly cancer.

Caravan raids

The belligerent attitude of the Quraysh was exposed in the heated argument between Sa'd ibn Mu‘ādh and ’Amr ibn Hishām after the Hijrah.

Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad

In his book Muruj adh-dhahab wa maadin aljawhar (The fields of gold and the mines of jewels), al-Mas'udi writes that Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad, from Delba (Palos de la Frontera) sailed into the Atlantic Ocean in 889 and returned with a shipload of valuable treasures.

Neurophysin II

Point mutations in neurophysin II underline most cases of hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus, a disorder resulting from insufficient ADH release into systemic circulation.

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Demeclocycline can be used in chronic situations when fluid restrictions are difficult to maintain; demeclocycline is the most potent inhibitor of Vasopressin (ADH/AVP) action.

Tulul adh-Dhahab

The Tulul adh-Dhahab (also: Tall / Telul edh Dhehab, Arabic: تلول الذهب), Jordan, are two adjacent tells in the Zarqa River valley, a sidevalley of the Jordan Valley about an hour's drive northwest of Amman in Jordan.

see also