
3 unusual facts about Abdomen

Clitocybe dealbata

With large doses, these symptoms may be followed by abdominal pain, severe nausea, diarrhea, blurred vision, and labored breathing.

Indian whiting

The head, cheeks, belly and lower sides are covered in a sprinkling of black spots.

Longfin trevally

The longfin trevally's colour is variable with age, although maintains a general colouration of greyish blue above, fading to a whitish silver near the belly region.


abdomen | Abdomen |


The term abdominis is an old Latin term for abdomen.

Abdulrahim Abdulhameed

At the 2010 Asian Games, Abdulrahim was a win away from securing at least a bronze medal, but with about a minute into his quarterfinal bout against Kim Seong-Ho of South Korea, he began to feel dazed and short of breath while experiencing unbearable pain in his abdomen.

Archimantis latistyla

The Large Brown Mantis female is called "short winged"—the pair of wings reach only half her abdomen and she is not able to fly—but the long winged male has wings that cover the entire abdomen.

Brazilian Abdominal Acupuncture

On the abdomen we find the 2 principles yin-yang, 3 treasures, 4 seas, 5 elements, 6 connections up-down, 7 feeling aggression areas, 8 trigrams and 8 odd meridians, 9 numerological sections, 10 dimensions of Kabala on the abdomen, several forms of 12 meridians, scheme to shelter the body, I Ching on abdomen, western and oriental zodiac signs, tonification and sedation using 5 elements on abdomen, pulse diagnosis on abdomen, etc.

Broad-bodied Chaser

It is very distinctive with a very broad flattened abdomen, four wing patches and, in the male, the abdomen becomes pruinose blue.

Cephonodes tamsi

It is very similar to Cephonodes trochilus, but distinguishable by the reddish rather than brownish upperside of the abdomen and the white centres to the abdominal segments below.

Cephonodes trochilus

It is very similar to Cephonodes tamsi, but distinguishable by the brownish rather than reddish upperside of the abdomen.

Coenagrion mercuriale

The specific part of the scientific name, mercuriale, is because of the distinctive markings on the second segment of the abdomen that resembles the astrological symbol for the planet Mercury - ☿.

Dardanus venosus

As a hermit crab, it lives inside the empty shell of a gastropod mollusc and its soft abdomen and most of its limbs are normally hidden with just the dacryls, or claws, projecting.

Earl Wood

The solution the team arrived at is the G-suit, which has air bladders situated at the calves, thighs, and abdomen of the wearer.


Bornholm disease or epidemic pleurodynia is characerized by severe paroxysmal pain in the chest and abdomen, along with fever, and sometimes nausea, headache, and emesis.

Friedrich Geißhardt

He was bleeding profusely from a wound in the abdomen but managed to make a smooth landing on the airfield at Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium.

Galeazzo Maria Sforza

In the short film series, Assassin's Creed: Lineage (a live-action short film set in the Assassin's Creed videogame franchise), the Duke's assassination is depicted with some liberties, with the protagonist Giovanni Auditore arriving only in time to see Lampugnani stab Sforza in the abdomen.

Growling Riflebird

Its appearance resembles and sometimes considered as a subspecies of the Magnificent Riflebird, being different by the lower breast and abdomen coloration, male's distinctive growling song and feathered culmen base.

Hippotion isis

It is extremely similar to Hippotion aurora delicata but differing in the buff colour of the median band of the hindwing upperside and the absence of any dorsal longitudinal lines on the abdomen.

J. Johnston Pettigrew

On foot and in the front line, Pettigrew was directing his soldiers when he was shot by a Union cavalryman from the Michigan Brigade at close range, the bullet striking him in the abdomen.

Lepidoptera genitalia

Monotrysian : Primitive groups have a single genital aperture near the end of the abdomen through which both copulation and egg laying occur.


To avoid lipohypertrophy, persons with diabetes mellitus who inject insulin daily for an extended period of time are advised to rotate their injections among several areas (usually upper, outer arms, outer thighs, abdomen below and around the umbilicus, and the upper parts of the buttocks.


The lithotrite was an early medical device, invented by Jean Civiale, which was used to perform transurethral lithotripsy, the first known minimally invasive surgery, to crush stones inside the bladder without having to open the abdomen (lithotomy).


According to Keys to the Genera and Species of Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of America North of Mexico by Terry Whitworth, the distinguishing characteristics of this subfamily are its shining green, blue, or bronze thorax and abdomen, suprasquamal ridge with a setae cluster, and a bare lower calypter.

Macroglossum assimilis

It is similar to Macroglossum belis, but the abdomen upperside has dark lateral patches that are less black and the underside of the abdomen and wings are less reddish.


In apocritan Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants), the metasoma consists of the second abdominal segment (which typically forms a petiole) and those segments posterior to it, and is often called the gaster rather than referring to it as the "abdomen"; in these insects, the first abdominal segment is called the propodeum and is fused to the thorax.


In the suborder Apocrita of the Hymenoptera, the first abdominal segment is fused to the metathorax, and is then called the propodeum.


Within the villages of Togo, villagers often refer to it as ‘Kounkoul’, which means ‘turtle’ in the native Moba-language; the name aptly describes the hard, round mass in the patient’s abdomen.

Ornithoptera paradisea

The only other tailed Ornithoptera is Ornithoptera meridionalis The abdomen is yellow, the head and thorax are black and green.

Pagurus prideaux

Like other hermit crabs, P. prideaux has an asymmetric, unarmoured abdomen and protects this by concealing it within the empty shell of a gastropod of appropriate size and shape, and carrying it around by clasping onto an internal part of the columella of the sea snail shell.


Pfannenstiel incision, a type of surgical incision that allows access to the abdomen


An example can be seen in the mygalomorph spider Idiosoma nigrum (Black Rugose Trapdoor Spider), which protects itself in its burrow by positioning itself so as to block the burrow with its abdomen, which is unusually hard.

Polyergus rufescens

She emits a secretion from the Dufour's gland on her abdomen, named after its discoverer, Léon Jean Marie Dufour, which includes a pheromone which subdues the attacked ants and makes them less aggressive.


In the Common Whitetail and Blue Dasher dragonflies (Plathemis lydia and Pachydiplax longipennis), males display the pruinescence on the back of the abdomen to other males as a territorial threat.

Respiratory inductance plethysmography

The transducer bands are placed around the rib cage under the armpits and around the abdomen at the level of the umbilicus (belly button).

Richard M. Bohart

He found a bee (Andrena) which had a sack-like parasite protruding from its abdomen which was identified by Dr. E. C. VanDyke as a female Stylops (order Strepsiptera).


Symptoms may range from mild abdominal discomfort to full-blown dysentery characterized by cramps, diarrhea, with slimy-consistent stools, fever, blood, pus, or mucus in stools or tenesmus.


ThermoSensor is a coin-sized battery-powered RFID-enabled temperature sensor which is to be attached to the lower abdomen of patients by using 3M Tegaderm for body temperature monitoring.


They have several unusual features, for example, the posterior femora are greatly enlarged, being strongly adapted for leaping; in some species those hind femora actually are larger than the abdomen.

University of Liverpool School of Veterinary Science

The hospital has particular expertise in the areas of gastroenterology, oncology, orthopaedics and neurology and is fully equipped to undertake laparoscopic investigations of the equine abdomen (e.g. for recurrent or chronic colic) and to perform operative procedures via laparoscopy, e.g. ovariectomy.

Walter C. Whitaker

He fought at the Union defense at the Battle of Chickamauga that fall as part of Brig. Gen. Gordon Granger's Reserve Corps, and was again wounded, hit in his abdomen on September 20.

Xylophanes guianensis

It is similar to Xylophanes ceratomioides, but the outer margin of the forewing margin is much more strongly scalloped and the dorsal lines of the abdomen are as in Xylophanes xylobotes.

Xylophanes lichyi

It is similar to Xylophanes maculator, but the dorsal lines of the tegulae, thorax and abdomen are fainter.

see also