The Marinid emir Abu Yusuf defeated a large Castilian army under Nuño González de Lara "el Bueno", adelantado de la frontera, in the pitched Battle of Écija in September.
Alfonso X arrived back in Castile at the end of the year and negotiated a truce with Abu Yusuf Yaqub.
His father, Alfonso X fled to Seville, his support reduced to the Muslim-heavy districts of Andalusia and Murcia.
The Christian king Alfonso X of Castile had thrown his weight behind the Ashqilula - in part because the Nasrids themselves had sheltered Castilian rebels.
No sooner was this done, that the attention of the Muslim parties turned towards Marinid Algeciras which Alfonso X had decided to take for himself.
Now it was the turn of the Marinids to forge an alliance with Alfonso X of Castile.
News of the deal infuriated the Nasrid ruler Muhammad II al-Faqih of Granada, who promptly sought out the support of Alfonso X of Castile and the Abdalwadid ruler Yaghmorassan of Tlemcen to punish the Marinids.
Abu Dhabi | Abu Ghraib | Ibn Khaldun | Ibn Battuta | Mount Abu | Abu Bakr | Abd al-Karim Qasim | Mumia Abu-Jamal | Husayn ibn Ali | Hasan ibn Ali | Abu Zubaydah | Ibn Hisham | Yusuf al-Qaradawi | Jābir ibn Hayyān | Ibn Ezra | Battle of Abu Klea | Abu Sayyaf | Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse | Abraham ibn Ezra | Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri | Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri | Tariq ibn Ziyad | Ibn Battuta Mall | Ibn Arabi | Ahmed Omar Abu Ali | Abu Qubays | Abu Musab al-Zarqawi | Abu Mu'az al-Jeddawi | Abu Hamad | Solomon ibn Gabirol |
Abd al-Haqq II (Abd al-Haqq ibn Uthman Abu Muhammad) (1419-1465) was Marinid Sultan of Morocco from 1420 to 1465.
He goes by the alias 'Sugar Ray Clay Jones Jr.' (SRCJJ), in homage to Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Cassius Clay, and Roy Jones Jr. Small converted to Islam at the age of 24 and is now known as Abdul-Haqq.
The diverse ways of understanding of the Qur'an are echoed in the documentary by Dr Scott-Siraj Al-Haqq Kugle of Swarthmore College in the United States, currently a research fellow at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
The Khurasanid dynasty was founded by Abd al-Haqq ibn Abd al-Aziz ibn Khurasan, who was appointed as governor of Tunis by the Hammadids, after they were solicited by its inhabitants who complained about the Zirid sultan Al-Mu'izz ibn Badis, who didn't protect them from Hilalian attacks.
Miangul Jahan Zeb(ميانگل جهان زيب ؛ اردو) (1987–1908), Gujar, formally Miangul Abdul-Haqq Jahan Zeb was former ruler of the princely state of Swat currently part of Pakistan and formally titled the Wāli.
The anonymous Dutch translator, "S.D.B.", gave a concise biographical review of the philosophers related to the text: Al Farabi, Avicenna, Al Ghazali, Ibn Bajjah, Ibn Rushd, Junayd, and Mansur Al-Hallaj (with a description of his death and a reference to his famous "Ana al-Haqq").
The True Furqan, al-Furqan al-Haqq is a book written in Arabic mirroring the Quran but incorporating elements of traditional Christian teachings.