
2 unusual facts about Abuna


Gondar traditionally was divided into several neighborhoods or quarters: Addis Alem, where the Muslim inhabitants dwelled (as mentioned above); Kayla Meda, where the adherents of Beta Israel lived; Abun Bet, centered on the residence of the Abuna, or nominal head of the Ethiopian Church; and Qagn Bet, home to the nobility.

Orthodox Tewahedo

From then on, until 1959, the Pope of Alexandria, as Patriarch of All Africa, always named an Egyptian (a Copt) to be Abuna or Archbishop of the Ethiopian Church.

Abuna Basilios

Ichege Gebre Giyorgis was consecrated by the Coptic Pope Yussab II as Archbishop of Ethiopia with the name and style of Abuna Basilios July 1948 during a ceremony held at the Patriarchate of Saint Mark in Egypt.

Abuna Qerellos III

Both Pearce and Qerellos fled the town for safety elsewhere: Pearce for Adwa, while the Abuna sought sanctuary at the court of Dejazmach Sabagadis.

No sooner had he left Massawa than he sent forth a demand for a house in Chalacot belonging Nathaniel Pearce, an Englishman then residing in the country, because the Abuna had heard it was the finest one in the realm.

Abuna Yesehaq

Abuna Yesehaq, born Laike Maryam Mandefro in Adwa, Ethiopia, 1933; died 29 December 2005 Newark, New Jersey, was a leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in the Western hemisphere.

Abune Merkorios

Abuna Merkorios (Patriarch and Catholicos of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church) was the fourth Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church elected after the death of Abuna Takla Haymanot in May 1988.

Susenyos II

Accordingly Susenyos fled Gondar with the Empress Mentewab; first she sought refuge with Abuna Yosab in Emfraz only to be turned away, then after sending her valuables to safety on Dek Island in Lake Tana proceeded to Qwara.

Yeshaq Iyasu

James Bruce states that Wale and Tabdan were motivated by religious objections to the decrees of Abuna Sinoda, while E.A. Wallis Budge writes they were enemies of Emperor Iyasu the Great.

see also