
unusual facts about Academicians' letter

Academicians' letter

The letter was intended to warn both the society and the government about the growing influence of the Russian Orthodox Church and its expansion into many fields of social life, particularly into the state education system, which is strictly prohibited under the Russian Constitution).

Carl Gustaf Nordin

Like Jean Hardouin he got to believe that a great deal of what is called classical literature was compiled by anonymous authors at a much later date, and he used frequently to startle his colleagues, the Gustavian academicians, by his audacious paradoxes.

Constantin Karadja

His letter of recommendation was signed by eighteen notable academicians, including Ion Nistor, Alexandru Lapedatu, Dimitrie Pompeiu, Gheorghe Spacu, Emil Racoviţă, Iorgu Iordan, Constantin Ion Parhon, Nicolae Bănescu, Constantin Rădulescu-Motru, Ştefan Ciobanu, Radu R. Rosetti, and Silviu Dragomir.


In their book The Maria Paradox: How Latinas Can Merge Old World Traditions with New World Self-esteem (1996, G. P. Putnam), Rosa Maria Gil & Carmen Inoa Vazquez suggest that the concept of marianismo was first discussed in the academic literature in a 'ground-breaking essay written by Evelyn P. Stevens in 1973' and that it has also been further discussed by academicians such as Sally E. Romero, Julia M. Ramos-mcKay, Lillian Comas-Diaz, and Luis Romero.

Meredith Lord

Meredith learns of her condition from Dr. Steve Hardy (John Beradino) and wanting to spare Larry the pain of watching her die, Meredith ran away to San Francisco and left him a "Dear John" letter saying she didn't love him any longer.

Red Mansion Foundation

For the inaugural programme in 2005, the Foundation invited seven Royal Academicians: John Bellany, Brendan Neiland, Paul Huxley, Christopher Orr, David Mach, Allen Jones and Ian McKeever.

Sylvan Kalib

Correspondence among prominent academicians in the collection—Milton Babbitt, Charles Burkhart, Oswald Jonas, Jacques-Louis Monod, Ernst Oster, Herbert L. Riggins, William Rothstein, Carl Schachter and Eric Wen, among others—documents the critical role and influence of Kalib’s work as Schenkerian theory, philosophy and methodology promulgated throughout American musical academe.

Ukrainian Academy of Arts

Among foreign members (academicians) of Ukrainian Academy of Arts are cinema director Jerzy Hoffman (Poland), art critic V. D. Revutskyy (Canada ) and painter-photographer A. P. Solomoukha (France).

Vilho Väisälä

During the World Congress of Esperanto of 1969, which was held in Helsinki shortly before his death, he served as the rector of the so-called Internacia Kongresa Universitato ("International Congressual University"), and coordinated the specialistic lectures in Esperanto given by various academicians to the congressists.

see also