Reuchlin's career as a scholar appears to have turned almost on an accident; his fine voice gained him a place in the household of Charles I, Margrave of Baden, and soon, having some reputation as a Latinist, he was chosen to accompany Frederick, the third son of the prince, to the University of Paris.
This first publication, and Reuchlin's account of his teaching at Basel in a letter to Cardinal Adrian (Adriano Castellesi) in February 1518, show that he had already found his life's work.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johann Strauss II | St. Johann in Tirol | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Johann Albert Fabricius | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | Johann Nestroy | Johann Joachim Winckelmann | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach | Johann Homann | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Johann Kuhnau | Johann Heinrich Lambert | Johann Friedrich Blumenbach | Johann Wilhelm von Müller | Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine | Johann Mattheson | Johann Jakob Engel | Johann Gustav Droysen | Johann Gottfried Schadow | Johann Georg Faust | Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt | Johann Christoph Adelung | Johann Baptist von Spix |
These ideas had previously reached their peak in the Renaissance and Wolfe particularly draws inspiration from the Renaissance humanists that supported the Catholic Church, such as Erasmus, Thomas More, Johann Reuchlin and John Colet.