1993 - "Welcher Pfad führt zur Geschichte" (12"/MCD, MZEE)
Many pegged her as a rapper but she called herself a "hip hop per." Despite this, she and another traditionalist group Advanced Chemistry insisted that rap and hip-hop are inseparable.
The social criticisms based on personal experience in her music link her to other Hip-Hop artists in Germany, such as Advanced Chemistry.
Toni L is one of the three artists comprising the famous German rap group Advanced Chemistry formed in 1987.
Chemistry | Institute for Advanced Study | chemistry | Nobel Prize in Chemistry | Advanced Placement | Advanced Audio Coding | Advanced Encryption Standard | AP Chemistry | Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | Advanced Micro Devices | Physical chemistry | Advanced Landing Ground | Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies | physical chemistry | organic chemistry | Royal Society of Chemistry | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | Inorganic chemistry | School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences | Organic Chemistry | Analytical chemistry | Advanced Management Program | theoretical chemistry | quantum chemistry | Journal of Biological Chemistry | International Chemistry Olympiad | College of Advanced Education | Advanced Systems Format | Advanced Photon Source |