
7 unusual facts about Aetolia


Aitoliko was conveniently located with relation to the ancient towns of Pleuron (the name of the son of the mythological father Aetolus comes from along with Kalydon which carries the name of another son) and Oiniadai.

Inchoatia megdova

Range: The type locality is "Triklonon 5.5 km Richtung Chalkiopuli"; Greece, West Greece, Aetolia-Acarnania: Triklono, 5.5 km to Chalkiopouli.


Kandila, Aetolia-Acarnania, a village in the municipal unit Alyzia, Aetolia-Acarnania

Maurice Spata

Sgouros did not retain the town, instead his nephew Maurice Spata took over Arta and Sgouros took over Angelokastron.

Napoleon Zervas

EOEA's activities were largely confined to Epirus, but Zervas had some control of Aetolia-Acarnania, in the Valtos area.

Peloponnesian War

Athens stretched their military activities into Boeotia and Aetolia, and began fortifying posts around the Peloponnese.

Sgouros Bova Spata

Sgouros did not retain the town, instead his nephew Maurice Spata took over Arta and Sgouros took over Angelokastron.

Athanasios Tzoganis

Born in Skourtou, Aetolia-Acarnania, he entered the Hellenic Air Force Academy in 1959 and graduated first in his class in 1962.


Philocrates and his slave Tyndarus, of the Greek district of Elis, have been captured in war with another Greek region, Aetolia.

Central Greece

Some important and well known rivers of Central Greece are Acheloos in Aetolia-Acarnania which is the second longest of the country, Spercheios in Phthiotis, Evenus in Aetolia-Acarnania and Mornos in Phocis.


Gavalou may be built at or near the site of the ancient Aetolian town Trichonium, from which the Lake Trichonida derived its name.


Many inhabitants of the surrounding areas – Kassopaia, Ambracia, parts of Acarnania (including Leukas, Palairos, Amphilochikon, Calydon, and Lysimachia) and western Aetolia – were forced to relocate to the new city.

Philip I, Prince of Taranto

Upon the death of Nikephoros (c. 1297), Philip took the title of "Despot of Romania", claiming Epirus, Aetolia, Acarnania, and Vlachia.


Pigadaki, a subdivision of Sparto in the municipality of Amfilochia, Aetolia-Acarnania

see also