
unusual facts about Afonso IV of Portugal

Afonso IV of Portugal

The dramatic situation between father and son and Inês, became plots in more than twenty operas, as well as "Nise lastimosa" and "Nise laureada" (1577) by Jerónimo Bermúdez, 'Reinar despues de morir' by Luís Vélez de Guevara, "Inez de Castro" by Mary Russell Mitford, and La Reine morte (The Dead Queen) by Henry de Montherlant.

Stephen of Durazzo

He moved to Portugal as a crusader, having fought the Moors alongside "his cousin" king Afonso IV of Portugal at the battle of Salado, as mentioned in Duarte Nunes de Leão's Chronicles of the Kings of Portugal.

see also

Eleanor of Portugal

Eleanor of Portugal, Queen of Aragon (1328–1348), daughter of Afonso IV of Portugal and wife of Peter IV of Aragon