
unusual facts about Ahimsa: Stop to Run

Ahimsa: Stop to Run

It was chosen after Invisible Waves had been withdrawn by the Federation of National Film Associations of Thailand.


The King Bayinnaung of Burma, after conquering the Bago in 1559, the Buddhist King prohibited the practice of halal, specifically, killing food animals in the name of God.

A thorough historical and philosophical study of Ahimsa was instrumental in the shaping of Albert Schweitzer's principle of "reverence for life".

American Vegan Society

Crediting the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer Jay created and promoted the Pillars of Ahimsa, one for each letter of the word: A-H-I-M-S-A.

Daridra Narayana

He mainly preached about Satyagraha and Ahimsa but also pleaded for these poor people, the Daridra Naraynas.

H. Jay Dinshah

Hom Jay Dinshah (November 2, 1933 – June 8, 2000) was founder and president of the American Vegan Society and editor of its publication, Ahimsa magazine (1960–2000).

Moral status of animals in the ancient world

Both Hindu and Buddhist societies saw widespread vegetarianism from the 3rd century BCE, in line with ahimsa, the doctrine of non-violence.

see also