
4 unusual facts about Air Foyle HeavyLift

Air Foyle HeavyLift

In 1985 Air Foyle took delivery of the first production Edgley Optica OA7 aerial observation aircraft.

Air Foyle Heavylift was not only responsible for the sales and marketing of charters and leases of Antonov's fleet of Antonov An-124-100, Antonov An-225 and Antonov An-22 heavylift cargo aircraft, but also for their complete commercial and operational management.

In 1994 Air Foyle won a contract to operate one Lockheed L-100 Hercules and one Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft on permanent 24/7 standby for Oil Spill Response Ltd, to provide immediate response on a worldwide basis in the event of a major oil spillage.


Christopher Foyle was also, from 1978 until 2008, the chairman and CEO of aviation companies Air Foyle & Air Foyle HeavyLift, was chairman and later Deputy President of the Air League, was a Trustee of the Foyle Foundation, and is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, a Liveryman of the Guild of Air Pilots and a Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Essex.

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