Benjamin Chew, then a young lawyer from Dover, Pennsylvania who served as secretary, and Richard, both from Philadelphia, were among the members of this committee and the Pennsylvania delegation.
Albany Plan of Union, a 1754 proposal by Benjamin Franklin at the Albany Congress of representatives of the English colonies in North America held in Albany, New York
Albany | Albany, New York | Marshall Plan | Albany County, New York | Israel's unilateral disengagement plan | Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany | Albany County | Simple Plan | Colombo Plan | Albany, Georgia | New Albany, Indiana | Boston and Albany Railroad | The Dillinger Escape Plan | Plan 9 from Bell Labs | Duke of Albany | British Commonwealth Air Training Plan | Albany and Susquehanna Railroad | Kirkbride Plan | Button car plan | The Dismemberment Plan | The Daleks' Master Plan | Prince Edward, Duke of York and Albany | Plan 9 from Outer Space | Plan | Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan | Albany Law School | Albany County, Wyoming | University at Albany, SUNY | University at Albany | Plan Z |