
unusual facts about Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón

Eduardo Haro Tecglen

The homage to him, held at the Teatro Español, a few days after his death, was attended by, among others, the founder of Triunfo, José Ángel Ezcurra; the journalist Fernando Delgado; the former and current editors of El País, Juan Luis Cebrián and Joaquín Estefanía, respectively; the president de PRISA, Jesús de Polanco; the actors Diego Galán and Núria Espert, and the then mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón.

Madrid Assembly election, May 2003

For the May 2003 election, the ruling PP switched leadership: incumbent President Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón aimed for the office of Mayor of Madrid, which he successfully obtained with a safe majority, while the regional list was headed by Senator and ex-Minister Esperanza Aguirre.

see also