
9 unusual facts about Alessandro Manzoni


He is remembered today primarily as the hero of the play Adelchi (1822) by Alessandro Manzoni.

Alessandro Manzoni

Upon the death of his father in 1805, he joined the freethinking household of his mother at Auteuil, and spent two years mixing with the literary set of the so-called "ideologues", philosophers of the 18th-century school, among whom he made many friends, notably Claude Charles Fauriel.

The poet's maternal grandfather, Cesare Beccaria, was a well-known author, and his mother Giulia had literary talent as well.

Casa Manzoni

Owned by the Manzoni family, the house was the birthplace of the famous Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni in 1785.

Claude Charles Fauriel

Those who enjoyed his closest intimacy were the physiologist Cabanis (Madame de Condorcet's brother-in-law), the poet Alessandro Manzoni, the publicist Benjamin Constant, and François Guizot.

Daniel Lessmann

His translations of “The Nun of Monza” by Gioachino Rossini and “The Betrothed” by Alessandro Manzoni were major contributions to the introduction of modern Italian literature to Germany.

Egidio Calloni

He became however famous for his several striking mistakes which brought popular journalist Gianni Brera to nickname him "sciagurato Egidio" (Egidio the wretched), after a minor character from Alessandro Manzoni's novel The Betrothed.

Francesco Sampietro

Among his many works: a Madonna for the Sanctuary of Bozzolo (near Garlasco); Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro for the chapel of the Hospital of Sanzo; a Christ among the Children for the asylum of infants founded by signor Niccola Traversi in Lomellina; The Delirium of Ermengarda from the play Adelchi by Alessandro Manzoni; Death of Count Rosso; A Prayer at Subiaco.

Giuseppe Ripamonti

These works were important sources from which Alessandro Manzoni derived the historical background of his novel The Betrothed.

Alfonso Capecelatro

He corresponded with other Liberal Catholics, among them Manzoni, Cesare Cantu, Dupanloup, and Montalembert.

Clara Maffei

These included Alessandro Manzoni, Francesco Hayez (who painted a portrait of Clara which he then gave to her husband), Giuseppe Verdi and Giovanni Prati.

Federico Borromeo

Federico Borromeo appears as a character in Alessandro Manzoni’s novel The Betrothed (I promessi sposi), in which he is characterized as an intelligent humanist and saintly servant of Christ, serving the people of Milan unselfishly during the 1630 plague.

Guglielmo de Sanctis

Gioacchino Rossini; Aleardo Aleardi; Giacomo Leopardi; Alessandro Manzoni; Michelangelo; the Exposition of Milan in 1872; Bernardo Celentano; Exposition of Antwerp in 1885; Cesare Maccari; Francesco Podesti; and Agli alunni delle scuole d'arte applicata all' industria e alcune poesie.

Libreria Bozzi

The bookshop was visited in the 19th century by writer Stendhal, Alessandro Manzoni, Charles Dickens, Herman Melville and Henry James.

Monte Resegone

Italian author Alessandro Manzoni made Resegone (which he called Monte Serrada) the backdrop for some of the scenes in his novel The Betrothed (in Italian I Promessi sposi).

see also