Among the pallbearers were Chief of Staff General Hugh L. Scott and two former Chiefs of Engineers, Generals Mackenzie and Bixby.
The Scots-Canadian explorer Alexander Mackenzie established Rocky Mountain Fort at the mouth of the Moberly River in 1794.
Among the composers championed by proponents of the theory were Hubert Parry, Charles Villiers Stanford and Alexander Mackenzie.
Alexander the Great | Alexander Pope | Alexander | Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Calder | Alexander Pushkin | Alexander von Humboldt | Alexander I of Russia | Alexander II of Russia | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander McQueen | Alexander II | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Pope Alexander III | Jason Alexander | Alexander I | Alexander Korda | Alexander McCall Smith | Pope Alexander VI | Mackenzie River | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Alexander III of Russia | Alexander Alekhine | Alexander Mackenzie | Alexander Haig | Alexander Frey | Lloyd Alexander | Alexander Scriabin | Alexander III | Alexander Fleming |
Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie and Walkem agreed to accept arbitration of the dispute by the Earl of Carnarvon, the Colonial Secretary.
According to the late 19th-century historian Alexander Mackenzie, and Rev. Alexander Macrae in the early 20th century, the main authority for the early history of Clan Macrae is the late 17th century manuscript account of the clan written by Rev. John Macrae.
The smallness of his force (made yet smaller when Major-General Mackenzie Fraser was sent to occupy Alexandria) meant he refused the repeated requests from the Sicilian court and William Drummond, British minister at the Sicilian court, for land operations on the Italian mainland.
The Methye Portage was also used by Sir Alexander Mackenzie on his exploratory expedition to the west coast, an expedition which reached the Pacific Ocean in 1793, fully 12 years before the more famous Lewis and Clark expedition.
A spot on North Bentinck Arm is historically significant as the location where Hudson's Bay Company explorer Alexander MacKenzie reached the waters of the Pacific Ocean overland from Rupert's Land.
It is most certain however that in 1789, Alexander Mackenzie initiated a period of trade with the Yellowknives Dene and Dogrib Dene and instructed his assistant, Mr. Leroux, to start a trading post at this location.
He was born in Logierait, Perthshire, the son of Alexander Mackenzie and Mary Stewart Fleming.
When Alexander Mackenzie died as a young man in 1796, the Earl of Wemyss acquired the estate.
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Secondary is a public high school in Hagensborg, British Columbia part of School District 49 Central Coast.